Jess can haz babee! Push, Jess, Push!
Flight~ma for Legion, Raq.
ImeN, I wish I could blame meds on my lack of sleep last night. Teh daughter called at 10 to see if, in a pinch (boyfriend troubles), I could drive her to Chicago at 3am. So, of course, even though I ended up not having to, I couldn't fall asleep before then. I think I got two hours of sleep before she called asking for directions to Midway Airport. They'd gone to O'Hare without realizing she was flying out of Midway, so now they needed directions on how to get from one to the other. Sigh. At least getting up that early meant I was dressed and ready for the day early.
ready for the day early.
I think you should be ready for a nap after being up all night!
Yes - I was wondering where Legion was. Does he get a diplomatic passport and everything?
When we flew our dog Toby to Brazil (in 2001, I think), he had to get a visa from the Brazilian consulate. It had official stamps and everything.
I find that getting an early start - although not usually as obscenely early as Sail's - makes me either crash early or else I'm so caffeinated that I can't get to sleep until late.
In other news ... how one artist deals with rejection.
Todd, that is awesome! I think break up letters should be posted publicly in the newspaper, the way certain debts and suits have to be posted. With an option to comment on them by the public. Hee.
No naps! If I nap, I'll have a hard time getting to sleep, again.
I'll have a hard time getting to sleep, again.
Personally, this is usually my way of handling the no sleep thing, too. But I always try and make sure that I get some exercise in on those days so that I burn off the edge of caffeine or adrenaline that's helping me stay up.
Why did I call a meeting this morning? I'm not prepared.
Push! (hopefully the push is done and they are too busy ooohing and aaahing over the bundle of joy to post)
Travel ~ma
Decision ~ma
Health ~ma
All good things ~ma
Wheeeeee, Baby Alter!!! So exciting! He'll share a birthday with a dear friend of mine. I never forget it because it's Flag Day! And I never forget Flag Day because of M's birthday.
IME, it really helped cut down on the confused blinking and puzzled faces to go and marry one of my Buffy board people -- marriage, I suppose, is such a spectacularly normal thing to do that it de-weirded the entire community in my non-Buffy people's eyes.
Yeah, getting an awesome partner out of the whole series of tubes thing tended to legitimize the whole internet community thing. I really actually had to train myself not to tell the story in any self-deprecating or embarassed way, and people really respond positively to it. I think that meeting people on the internet at this point is so widespread, that's another reason that the meeting each other on an internet community is not really eyebrow raising anymore.
But when I 'splained the F2F, I got some ribbing. So taken out of the Tom context, weird looks still occur.
Flag Day is also my wedding anniversary. 21 years ago today Hubby and I made it legal.
It is also truejavachick's birthday.