Go, wee Alter baby!!!! I hope Jess and Fone are feeling well and things are continuing apace.
Ouchie, Sean!! I've broken toes. It's no fun at all.
I've had a hectic day. Besides killing 5 cicadas with my car, I had 2 job interviews today. Count them. 1. 2. And, both are for full-time drama positions. And, both seemed to go very well. Yay!
I'm also headed to Tenn. to visit with the family tomorrow, so I've been trying to get everything ready for that. It's my dad's 70th birthday on Friday in addition to Daddy's Day.
Currently, I'm at school and have class in 30 minutes.
ooh, Jilli, I was in Sephora a while ago and one of the staff was wearing what looked like the MAC Barbie makeup - pink, pink, pink!
ION, omg don't want to focus on work, and want to go bleach all the black out of my hair and dye it pink. Not that I will, but I'm still thinking longingly about doing so.
If you do that, I'll bleach my hair out to blonde again.
But with black bangs. Yes.
Actually, it would look really cool if you did the thing where you bleached the underside of your head and did it pink.
I'd do.... I dunno, something.
I keep refreshing Jess' twitter page... just in case....
do you know how often I say things like " my Buffy friends" or "on my boards .."
So much this! My boss was talking today about stencils with peace signs to use on bamboo in her back yard. I told her I could post it on my "Buffy board" and have 10 sites for her in 2 seconds flat. Hee!
Jilli totally needs pink hair. I need pink hair. Hell, we all need pink hair!
You could get some pink extensions, Jilli.
"Buffy board"
that's what I call youse guys when you come up in conversations several times per day.
You could get some pink extensions, Jilli.
Nope. I've been worrying (hopefully for no cause, and yes, I'm going to the doctor next week) that my hair is thinning. If it is, extensions are a Bad Idea.
I usually just say my "online friends." If anyone's interested enough to ask, I'll say it was originally a Buffy board (though Firefly is what led me here).
Any of you guys who are SG-1 fans wanna tell me what an NID is? "My" fic is apparently a crossover, and I think I'll understand it better if I know who the NID are and why they might want Faith.