Steph is boasting about her boy ...awww.
kristin's hair- amazing
I left Matt somewhere downtown. He had things to do, which might have been fun except then I would have had to wait until this evening to get in the garden. If my folks had a grave they'd be rolling in it - as it is they are just laughing at me. I hated working in the garden as a kid.
Well, after watching the bad movie last night, I got up and went to Pride. It started at 11AM (!!) this year, and some friends were performing at 12:10, so I figured I'd aim to get there at 12, and it was unlikely they'd go on on time anyway.
At 12:05, I'm heading down the block towards the stage, and I hear their music. They went on EARLY!! What kind of gay event WAS this?? I'm still stunned. Sadly, I ended up missing their entire performance. OTOH, the people I really wanted to see weren't there.
And then I saw various people that all asked where K was, and I had to say we broke up. BOO.
And then I felt like a stalker, because I knew she was working in the beer tent, so I *had* to walk past from a distance and look at her while she couldn't see me. I feel pathetic. No, wait, I AM pathetic. And yet, I'm not managing to care enough about that to stop being pathetic...
Now to change (I'm currently wearing a pink muscle tee that says "GENDERFUK" in black letters) and go to a friend's graduation party.
There are so many great links in this week's B3TA newsletter that I wanted to post so I'm linking to the whole thing. I especially loved the Wet Cats, Real-Life Transformers, and Flagpole Sitta lip sync.
I've been gardening today. Cleared a bunch of weeds. Later on, going to plant some flowers, I think. (This is my mom's garden. I'm the free labor for this weekend.)
My sister got to go watch the Tony Awards dress rehearsal this morning. So jealous.
Bushwacked the front yard. Tired now. Still have about half the bagging up still to do, but it will have to wait.
t hugs meara
So this is it, folks. By the time I go to sleep tonight, I will be done with grading and comment-writing for 10 whole weeks! I am pretty psyched about this fact.
To celebrate/procratinate, I am getting my poor, filthy car washed. It was getting difficult to see through the windows, so I figured it was time. She's currently being hand waxed. They're even going to make her smell new again! I may be a tad more excited about this than is strictly necessary.
I golfed! And I didn't totally suck!
grape nuts: YAY Vacation!Kristin!
Yep. Vacation Kristin won't be in full effect until Friday, but the hard part will be over today.
I took the kids up to the beach at the resevoir and we ended up leaving pretty early. Owen has no fear of open water and decided he was going to walk out over his head without stopping. I was right beside him, of course, but it got exhausting fishing him out of the water while holding Olivia.
We'll go back when I have DH as back-up and can actually enjoy it. It was a beautiful, clean beach.
The kids are now sleeping and exhausted and I went to the library to pay my late fees and pick up some more books. Two travel guides for Hawaii, The Jesus Family Tomb and History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer. And I got a book on training for triathalons for DH.