Shoe post!
- Cute Prada flat rip off >[link]
- Cool pointy-toe flat >[link]
- I might love these or I might hates them, black, square-toe flat with black and white striped bow >[link]
- Too expensive but black with pink bow! >[link]
- I am liking this too expensive brand >[link]
- If the buckle were silver, I would need these >[link]
- Cyut red flat with cut outs >[link]
- My preppy side is loving these tassle flats >[link]
- Oh me lovey grommets >[link]
- More cute cut outs with added orange >[link]
- Way too expensive but I loves them like whoa >[link]
I can't believe they still sell my boots on zappos [link] My most favorite of all time boots. Absolutely love them!
Cassie, I have a new tag line.
How are your knees?
Cassie, I have a new tag line.
How are your knees?
Less annoyed than my hip. But it's a close call. Once the cat sleeping on my ass moves, I am taking a hot shower, some Advil and going out to dinner.
Oh! And the tickets I got when I had to give up the AWESOME tickets because my dad's fink brother wanted to come to the race and then said fink brother (my dad said it, I am just quoting) canceled? Are also AWESOME. Very top row so I can stand and watch the cars go around the back too! It's sparkley!
Trudy! Can you get on IM?
d - Thank you so much! That is such a kind thing to do. My cousin speaks for me. I'll come see you in the next couple of months, I expect.
We're here, in the land of free (slow) wifi. That, and chocolate-dipped potato chips, are good things. The place where we're staying in has a farmers' market behind it, and people dressed in every direction, which is a plus. The places that we can afford seem to be trending towards 50+ years of smoking indoors and that 90-year-old-man smell.
In the meantime, at home, the b&b behind us sold to a proposed seafood restaurant that plans to increase its lot coverage from 30% to 100%, with decks that look out over our property and with outdoor dining. And they plan on serving seafood and want live entertainment until 2am. Not a bad thing, unless you live behind them and have a child who likes to play out there (not at 2am). Zoning isn't likely to go for it, but the restaurant owner was really rude and said things to indicate "well, you're stupid for living here." so thinks me the universe is pointing to the exity direction. We're going to the zoning hearing and protesting with the rest of our neighbors. But, still.
Oh, the shoes help. Gloomcookie rox.
I think those cute shoes and a khaki enemble would be fine for a casual wedding, GC.
I'm afraid to look at the rest of the shoe links. I do not need more shoes. Really. Truly. None at all.
Blasphemy! There's also the thing he does with his right eyebrow.
YES! That. And sparkley pink bananas.
t has had two beers and is working
Oh, Kitten, not kitten. Gotcha.
Hec, I need hair recs.
Heh. Kitten Jihad is not synonymous with kittenwar. I never thought of that before.
I just can't figure out what it takes to make your hair stay that way.
Put in a little product and sleep on it wet?
I'm not sure I've got the volume for most of these really pretty styles, though. A friend of mine recommended a stylist; I really need to go get a professional opinion. I've lost faith in my previous stylist and will not go back to her.
shooz. Silly video.