I love a bitch but I hated the way Tabatha came off on the show.
yeah, I think that they edited her to make her seem a lot bitchier than she was. I mean, think about what a horrible person that you'd think I was if you just used my bitchy moments from TODAY. :)
Hooray house! Hooray nap!
Nice dream, Pete. I don't mind that you had it and not me, because now I can think about it while I'm awake. Mmmm.
think about what a horrible person that you'd think I was if you just used my bitchy moments from TODAY. :)
hee! me too! ... not today really because it's Friday and i'm a total short-timer so I took a long, long lunch at the Target and have had iced coffee and iced chai and french fries. yum!
although I did have an irritating phone conversation with my dad (we need to never ever ever talk anything remotely related to the computer)! If they just used that people would think I was a total mean daddy-hating bitch!
Hec, I'm tempted to ask you to find a short haircut for me. Mostly because I'm bored and I think it would be a nice challenge for you.
I just can't picture myself in short hair AT ALL now. Even though it was short, with just a couple of years exception, for about the first 25 years of my life. Much skinnier years then now though.
Pete, that dream clearly was all about...
I'm not saying a damn thing here.
One has to wonder what is bubbling in that SPN-obsessed brain of Plei's.
Nice dream, Pete. I don't mind that you had it and not me, because now I can think about it while I'm awake. Mmmm.
Happy to help.
Raq; I don't think Fed Ex can guarantee the tracking on dream sending.
I just can't picture myself in short hair AT ALL now.
I can! Though I do love the haircuts you've been rocking for the last couple years. You've always got great bangs which work well with your glasses.