Ooo, Teppy, you may have given me a reason to go back into Target. I am not a fan of things that bring attention to my tits, but that shirt may work.
I'm wearing my Perky Goth t-shirt at the moment. Gilly the Perky Goth is always welcom on my bosom.
Except those of us with really short legs and really short waists. They are a godsend to us since they don't come up to our belly buttons.
Regular low-rise, yes. Ultra low-rise where you have to have a bikini wax to wear it in public? No.
I accidentally have wound up (online ordering of used things) with pants where the rise was low enough that I couldn't wear my ultra low rise panties without them showing.
Those would be the kind of pants in question.
Ooo, Teppy, you may have given me a reason to go back into Target. I am not a fan of things that bring attention to my tits, but that shirt may work.
It's flattering and is totally comfortable. Machine-washable, and $16. LOVE.
Regular low-rise, yes. Ultra low-rise where you have to have a bikini wax to wear it in public? No.
Exactly. Low-rise is a godsend to me, because of the whole no-torso thing. Ultra low rise of the kind Plei speaks of is what draws my hate.
But her post made me giggle, since, superficially, I *am* wearing that kind of shirt, and it *does* go over my hips.
You just gotta be difficult, dont'cha?? (Hee!)
I think low-rise pants have gotten lower over the past couple of years. The last time I bought jeans, I tried on what I thought were the exact same style I was replacing, but they only came about halfway up my hips so I ended up going with what was then being called "natural waist" or something.
Fatty McMe likes to have higher jeans for the pseudo-girdle effect it gives me. I may have muffin top, but at least I don't have a camel toe.
I think low-rise pants have gotten lower over the past couple of years.
Yeah. I finally had to replace my one pair of jeans (from 1997!), and I had to find them in the men's department. Low-rise bootcut Levi's, baybee, for $16.99 at Target. I love Target.
Best part? NEVER DATED. I didn't even get *sex* out of this trainwreck of a man boy.
Also, word on the ultra-low-rise. Though I must say I like the regular low-rise, cause it means my pants don't cut me funny round the abdomen. I'm a fan of sitting comfortably.
Not familiar with the Chinese sandals.
I'm a little weirded out by the "shave off your eyebrows and draw on a tiny little line" thing I see on teenagers around here. It looks cool if you are doing a whole retro thing and have the proper hair, but by itself it can give an odd impression. Quite popular with the Hispanic kids, though.