cool haircut possibility for GC or Juliana.
Not too unlike what I used to have, minus the bangs. I don't miss the bangs. Maybe that's what I should do next.
Relatedly, I found it amusing that my current haircut (which everyone in SF loves) was deemed "too skater-punk" by most of my friends in Minneapolis.
GC, I'm sorry about your dentist woes. (Which are a prime example of why I'm terrified to go see a dentist. Denial! It can also be a dental plan!)
What else did I miss? I'm taking a break from doing online training. (Why yes, our reviews are due next week, hence the sudden flurry of everyone taking training classes). Taking a break includes stumbling across some primo LJ drama between two of my former friends. I shouldn't take this much petty glee in it, but oh well.
I suspect petty glee is a very good look on you. Are you rubbing your hands together or bouncing in your chair? Because you're doing both in my head.
Bouncing with glee, with additional attempts to smother catty snickers.
cool haircut possibility for GC or Juliana.
Very cool cut! However, I've found that every time I cut my hair shorter than chin-length, I immediately grow it out again. I think my one true hair length is somewhere between chin and shoulder length.
Hmmm. Emmett's at the A's/Red Sox game. His aunt is in town and she's fueled his Red Sox love, so he's rooting against the A's.
Schilling hasn't given up a hit through three.
Hmmm. Emmett's at the A's/Red Sox game. His aunt is in town and she's fueled his Red Sox love, so he's rooting against the A's.
Now that's a good aunt! I plan to do the same.
Nephew's bedroom is Chicago Cubs. We're gonna see how much Red Sox stuff we can sneak in.
Yay, Emmett!
How is his medical condition coming along, Hec? Has the pain subsided?
These are the haircuts I'm considering, in order of preference:
1. [link] same cut, side view: [link]
2. [link]
3. [link]
4. [link] (I think the fringe and front top are a little longer than what I like, but I keep coming back to it)
5. [link] I think I might be too old and not waifish enough for this one
People, people! Where are your priorities? Look, here's the official breakdown on who to love and root for in baseball. It's very simple, really.
1. Your home team, especially if it is the Red Sox but not if your home team is the Yankees.
2. The Red Sox, unless they are playing against your home team.
3. Should your home team fall out of the running, you are permitted late in the season to root for other teams from your home state should any such be available.
4. The Padres, because Trevor Hoffman once said nice things about Emmett's pitching stance (or, you know, substitute in any team with a player who signed a glove or sent a card or did something nice for someone you know) (But still, Trevor Hoffman said Emmett had great mechanics! How cool is that?).
5. If you are female and tenderhearted, the Kansas City Royals, because they suck so bad and it's like watching that Little League team that goes a whole season without winning a game. Your heart just breaks for the poor kids and, even though you don't want them to beat
boys, you want them to beat somebody, just once.
6. The Mets, because they are the New York team that isn't the Yankees.
7. Everyone else.
8. The Yankees.
Sadly, Emmett's current Red Sox love conflicts with list item #2. He can and should love them up like crazy most of the time, but not when they're playing Oakland. It isn't seemly.