Thanks, everyone.
P-C, can you explain to me the Avatar rerun schedule on Nick and NickToons? It seems like every time they get about a third of the way through the second season, they start over again. I'm trying to watch the show, but they won't let me!
Man, the Avatar schedule is whack! I've been waiting MONTHS for them to show one stinkin' episode so that I can finish watching the ones I TiVoed. (Finally had to break down and get that one disc from Netflix...)
Tom, the Nick rerun schedule has confounded many. I appear to have been lucky in that I was able to catch most of the first season in reruns and then buy the DVDs before they started fucking with the schedule near the end. And then I caught up with the second season through other means because I was impatient.
I just finished watching the first season for the third time with a friend of mine (her first time). She has to wait till she comes back in November for me to show her the second season.
Do you have Netflix? They've been releasing the DVDs in separate discs, and I think the whole season is out by now. The box set will come with a bonus disc with special features.
Scola should not be hating on himself.
Here's a fond Scola memory to redress this situation: When I had my book reading at Quimby's in Chicago I arrived at the bookstore and Tom had flown out from NYC, unannounced, just to attend the reading. It was such a cool and welcome gesture of support and I was so happy to see him. And, as I've mentioned before, it was very funny to walk into Quimby's and not only see Tom there, but see him standing with erinaceous and they weren't talking but they were pointing their Treos at each other as Tom sent her a game.
I am always happy to see Tom, and I have a ton of respect for all the work he's put into therapy to root out his sadness and change his life. It is hard hard work, but even from the beginning when Tom came out to the first Chicago F2F, he's pushed himself because he wants more from his life. I love that about him.
I was thinking about Tom on the bus this morning, and was sad that I didn't drag him to "my" comic book store.
(I hit "my" comic book store last night, and noted that the house around the corner from it is still for sale. I seriously wish ours was ready to sell, because OMG, I'd so buy that place. Perfect location. Small, but three bedrooms. Cheap, too.)
When I had my book reading at Quimby's in Chicago I arrived at the bookstore and Tom had flown out from NYC, unannounced, just to attend the reading.
Really? That's totally awesome.
I think the world is starving for more of that spectacular Scola smile, so I want things to happen to (and within) you Tom -- things that bring out your smile, naturally.
Tom is made of awesome - the first time I met him, it was Halloween in Minneapolis and I was a leetle distracted by my marriage imploding. I still remember being awed by That Smile and how generally cool he was.
aw, I love reading the Scola-love!!
3 things:
1) for TomW's employers to get their heads out of their asses and FINALLY GIVE HIM THE RAISE to go with the promotion he got in JANUARY that he'd been working on that higher level for at least 9 months before then. They dragged on the promotion, they're dragging on the raise, and it seems like they totally take him for granted.
2) For TomW to be happy and fufilled with what he does for work.
3) For me to be happy and fufilled with what I do for work.