Price to replace the laptop keyboard: $300. *sigh* I lost count of how many people asked me "how'd that happen?" I replied, "Do you HAVE a three year old? Do you know any three year olds?"
And it's the fucking "A" & "E" that I'm missing most on this computer. It's very hard to type without the letter covers on the keys.
I consoled myself by stopping off for a marguarita after my dress fitting.
Oh, Cashmere, how frustrating.
The Neutrogena tanning moisturizer thing is working for me, too. I hear good things about the Jergens stuff too, but haven't tried it.
Hil, I love SYTYCD!! But I'm a little bitter that I'm in a hotel room and not with a TiVO. :(
Cash, oh no! May your A's and E's return to you soon.
Try the Dove Energy Glow moisturizer. I've been using it for a week, and there's a noticeable but not orange!tan! difference.
Really? Oooo. Good to know!
I have just completed a monumental task: I have cleaned my laptop screen. Try not to die of shock. (It's pretty cool to be able to see everything clearly!)
I have just completed a monumental task: I have cleaned my laptop screen. Try not to die of shock.
I need to do that. I bought the wipes to do it like six months ago, but only think about it when the laptop is *on*. One of these days...
That reminds me, I need to tan for the wedding. Bridezilla said no Mystic Tan (she's afraid of orange). So I have to find a tanning place and get my pasty ass in there pronto.
Why can't it be a gothy wedding? Why must I have a "healthy glow?"
The bride is MAKING YOU TAN? Oh my god. That's insane. Also, cancerous. Geez. I say use the Dove/Neutrogena or whatever.
The bride is my twin sister, so yeah. Gotta tan. If I get skin cancer I'm sending her the bill.
Cash, the Jergens stuff does work. How much time do you have?