Their website doesn't show me anything at all, just a menu on the left, Trudy
Well, that's irritating of them. click "jewelry" then click "wedding" and its the first thing that pops up.
(He's one of the few designers who'll put diamonds in 24k. That's the oost, not the particular ring per se)
Connie - it's just achieved 70 degrees here now and tomorrow it's supposed to be 90. Nutty.
I went to my post op dental appointment. 25 minute drive each way, 15 minute wait, and 5 minutes with the oral surgeon. My gums are healing and at some point I'll stop biting my cheek when I eat. I wished them well and told them that while I didn't want to see them again I would recommend them to anyone needing surgery.
Three things I want right now:
1. college education
2. the ability/money to travel more (esp to cons)
3. someone who thinks I'm the bees knees
Yeah. But she's always Wow.
Well, yeah, of course. But the hair's especially gorgeous now.
I want (I have four):
- A good savings plan so that when I retire (in the far, far away future), I can actually afford to live.
- A house that I can at least sort of afford.
- Good health.
- A good match.
Am I boring or what. And apparently can't format today. Blerg.
Hello, Bitches!
Great news about your mom, askye!
Cash, ack! At least Owen wasn't naked. The "Say a Little Prayer" note cracked me up.
Three things I want:
- to own a home
- to see Europe
- a weekend away with my lovely husband
I want:
- To work for myself, doing something I enjoy
- To grow old with Mr. Jane
- Health and happiness for my friends
- To travel the world
- Vengance on those what hurt me and mine
Of course, all the above is subject to change
(I knew paying for that extended service package was a smart move).
with children, yes.
I want:
1. my back/hip to stop hurting
2. More motivation to work out (see #1 for the main problem right now)
3. A job that makes me happy and pays me what I'm worth.
Damn you, now I've had "Say a Little Prayer" stuck in my head for minutes and minutes!
I want...hmm. I want a stable job with advancement opportunities but as awesome of coworkers as I have right now.
I want to travel to international places more.
I want to have kids with a partner (ie, not by myself) someday.
Well, I got one of the things I want: A job.
Not the job I want and not the money I want, but I'm trying to be optomistic about it.
If anything, I'm taking it because I need to stop eating.
Someone got a hair cut: [link]