Life isn't just for achieving some sort of status or accomplishing something that looks good on a newsletter. It's for living. And your talents aren't your talents just so you can tick stuff off on a list. They're just a part of you.
Apropos of nothing, Cindy, I want to hug you for saying this.
Owen, you need to cut it out with the scaring your mother like that! Don't make the mostly-invisible internet people invest in a kid leash for you! (But I'm generous, so I'd get the one that looked like a monkey.)
I missed a lot more, so hugs and ~ma for everyone. ::passes the basket::
I feel like I've got an itch in my brain, and I don't have the first clue what to do about it. Also, I had a conversation with a third party that I think totally destroyed the burgeoning crush that was forming on that boy from Indiana. Mixed opinions on that. Also also, I need a new job as of yesterday. Have we found that pause button for the planet yet, so that I can get my shit together?
::huddles in the collective Bitches bosom for comfort whilst I adjust my diamond shoes::
I totally feel you on that.
But I don't mean porn, unless you want me to.
God, Deena, your co-worker ruined that for me. Cause now in my head I hear some doofus talking about saying that to Actual Black People.
I would go traipsing through the wooded area behind our house and a neighbor's basset hound would follow and then lead me home.
This is possibly the most adorable mental picture evAH.
It sounds like a Berkeley Breathed story, doesn't it?
Oops, meant to post that in natter.
I would go traipsing through the wooded area behind our house and a neighbor's basset hound would follow and then lead me home.
One of my friends had a doberman nanny. His mom would put him in the front yard without a care and the dog would keep him from crawling or walking off.
I had a dachsund nanny named Danger. He was my aunt's dog. He would even keep bugs off me.
Have we found that pause button for the planet yet, so that I can get my shit together?
This, please.
Ooo, Cash! Too scary.
Hey, the world needs chaotic neutral too.
The dog nannies sound adorable.
I was a polite enough kid that I often told my mother where I was going. Sometimes it took her a while to put "to see Daddy" and "out beyond the breakers" together, but my legs were very short. I did get returned from sitting in the middle of the street playing once too. But I'm not sure what the mechanism for us being watched was.