Living near AmyLiz would be awesome!
Aw! And I'll be that much closer to D.C.!
Amyliz - West Chester is really close to where my father grew up!
Where? I was actually born in Wilmington (DE) and lived for years in Newark (DE) before moving to NJ, but we have lots of relatives in that area, which was why my parents moved to West Chester ... wow, twenty years ago now. I really like the area.
Erin, funnel cake makes up for so many things. YUM.
It was!!! I haven't had it in years, which made up for the fact that a funnel cake and medium lemonade was $9.73!!!!!
Glenmore, PA is where my father grew up.
Were they gold-plated?!
Naw, it was an amusement park. They really bone you on the foodage.
If the funnel cake isn't right out of the grease, it's useless. The first bite must burn your mouth, and you have to eat it as quickly as possible, otherwise it gets cold and gross. mmmmmm funnel cake
Paper done. Wide awake. Darn time zone differences.
Swimming white tiger is glorious!
Were they gold-plated?!
I was gonna ask if they came with oral sex.