Lily pictures = SO CUTE. especially the coffee grin.
Elli picture = beautiful! I can't believe she looks like such a big girl! Is she tall, Stephanie? Happy, happy Two to Ellie!
Sorry for the ick stomach, Kristin. That's one of my least favorite things ever.
Yay for sj's movers!
Lily is beautiful as always, and Ellie! My goodness, she's gorgeous! Happy Birthday, beauty queen!
I forgot to save the addy for the Jewelry Crack site and now I have $ so I can pay shipping! Would someone kindly repost please?
Ggggrraaahggg. Seven o'clock Sunday morning. Neighbor starts knocking on the door. Gets impatient, goes to other side, kicks up a huge fuss hollering for us. Blearily we climb out of bed to deal, only to find that her issue is: that she is supposed to take care of other neighbor's cat, but she can't make the key work.
So just how is it she thought that rousting us out of bed was a good idea? I am appalled at the frickin' nerve. I say, this was a Problem, but definitely not an Emergency. Therefore she should have had the class to return at a decent hour if she wanted to involve us.
It's more than 24 hours later, and still I am cranky about this.
Happy Birthday to Ellie, who is Not Smelly, and has the cutest Baby Belly. Virtual Auntie Katie sends it kisses.
dratted formatting, gets me every time.
I would still be cranky too, Katie B.
ignoring jewelry crack
I'd be really angry , not just cranky, KatieB
I am very happy with all the baby/kid pictures.
We have put a bunch of coco mulch in the yard. In the sun, my yard smells like melted chocolate.
Such a beautiful girl!!
A very happy birthday to Ellie!
Lilybean pics are always a gooder than a good thing.
Sox, Philadelphia will not defeat you. So say I, and I'm going to keep saying it until you believe it just a little bit.
If I had coco mulch in the yard, I wouldn't be able to think any thoughts but "chocolate?" or "chocolate!"
The DH and have have been running errands all day and now are running the washer and dryer. I have been avoiding what I should be doing, which is going over my notes for a lecture I have to give tomorrow. Tonight I'm having dinner with someone Lee and I know from library school.