I have ridden on an elephant!!!!
Now, that's a euphamism!
DJ, what great friends you are, and have, to pull off a party where people obviously cared more about the occasion and the company than the accutrements.
I spent most of the day in Baltimore, with my cousins. So awesome. I'd forgotten -- or repressed -- how nice it is to be near to people who share the gene pool.
I have ridden on an elephant!!!!
How fucking cool is that? Very.
the b.org is obviously in my DNA.
I have ridden on an elephant!!!!
the b.org is obviously in my DNA.
Such a cute geek in training!
When did Owen become a little boy instead of a baby? When?
When did Owen become a little boy instead of a baby? When?
No idea. I'm sticking with the idea that someone stole my baby and replaced him with the little boy overnight.
So awesome. I'd forgotten -- or repressed -- how nice it is to be near to people who share the gene pool.
Your gene pool, maybe. Mine, not so much.
Owen has once again reset my cute-o-meter.
Aww! Wee Owen!
DJ, you are clearly a Very Good Friend. Go you!
Have just had dinner with a friend I hadn't seen since JANUARY. Why? Because she had started dating a girl who lived like two hours away, and was spending every weekend with that girl. They started dating a couple weeks after K and I did. And now? They MOVED IN TOGETHER, OMG. Ay.
how nice it is to be near to people who share the gene pool.
right back at you Sparky.
Your gene pool, maybe. Mine, not so much.
well, she didn't say ALL of the gene pool. (can I make a deep end joke?)
the boy has to work at the factory
They might make him take the piercing out. They're not allowed at my job.