I always manage to find an episode of Cops that convinces me that there is *someone* in this world who's got a more miserable life than I do.
This is the exact reason I just got done watching 2 hours of "Intervention".
{{meara}} May she only ever attract women who smell bad and are bad in bed.
Iron graduation robes etc. for tomorrow
You have to iron the graduation robes?!
Maybe Kristin means the robes she has to wear -- not everyone's?
Yes, this. You know how they are--all crinkly out of the package. Got to remember to iron mine tonight.
Oh! I was just thinking how iron graduation robes would be very heavy...
How's Emmett feeling?
He couldn't finish his schoolday, so not great. He toughed it out all morning, though. Right now I just want him to be able to finish his last couple weeks of school.
It does seem to be getting better, but not very quickly.
I'm sorry, Hec. I hope he can get through the end of the school year with a minimum of fuss.
Yeah. It's seeing the, err, grudge-based sanctimonious shit rise to the surface AGAIN that's making me headdesk.
Total headdesk. Just not something to get into when also being tipsy. I'm shy of it sober even. I don't think the conversation can go many places that are good. Or ever useful.
"You never say Please, you never say thank you."
"Please don't be an idiot. Thank you."
Oh, I always find that...oh, you mean for the other person.
Never mind.
Congratulations to Kalshane and his GF!!
Aw, meara. You're gorgeous and smart and fascinating and, well, fuck her.
What. Scrappy. Said.
In a butch/femme scenario, Ple gets to be bossy and meara's in the red dress, right?
Well, we can do it that way first. And then I can be in drag and Plei can be in a corset...
Headed to my bunk, now....
ION, I just got home from seeing the parent/teacher night of Putnam Spelling Bee. Dear me, that was damn funny watching the Magic Foot spell out "fudgepacker."