Ooh! What did they say about expanded polystyrene?
Yeah, I'm sucked in by Deadliest Catch, but I swear, I can't handle it. I'm going to drop it just as soon as they play a promo that I'm not totally terrified to see. I just can't handle all the real trauma.
I need to add Deadliest Catch to my Tivo. I watched it when it was just a one off special, but I've not watched it now that it is a series.
I liked the expanded polystyrene bit because we use it in theatre and theme parks all the time. Hot wire cutters and such to carve it and then coat it with urethane to make it nice and hard. It's what many set pieces are made from.
Yeah, it's a fascinating material. We've just got an offer from someone to do spray foam for insulation for our house, and the whole thing is just interesting.
We use the spray foam for doing fake rockwork. You sculpt the rock with chickenwire and then cover it in spray foam. Once that hardens then you can do some finish carving and coat it all in urethane.
Tuesday nights have now been declared "CRAB NIGHT!" in our house. We caught the second season in a marathon one Sunday and have been hooked ever since.
I want a crab boat. I want a crab boat and I would name it "Another Effing Crab Boat".
Do you think your camel would like living on a crab boat?
Good to know he will be put to use.
I am big with the love for
How It's Made
which is often just mesmerizing, with the clever clever machines that crimp a piece of metal
just so
or punch out holes or whatever. I'm also fascinated by the handmade items, like flutes or accordions -- now I know why good musical instruments are so very expensive!
Anybody a fan of Ace of Cakes? Mary Alice is totally my new TV girlfriend. I adore her.