love. this. show.
singing sort of had me in the uncomfortable runtonextroomforsomethingimportant pose, but it was so campy that I rethought. Glad I did - the dancing made it even better, and weirder... first with Digby, and then with the floor guy who can't hear or see her [the staging sort of worked]. KC is awesome - she works this so-intense-and-driven-pie-shop-person friction in really funny ways. And OMG the toile.
the plot was pretty good - though not as twisty as the first one. Pure scientist done in by (WF for Jilli - hope ABC posts) evil marketing-CEO for fun and profit isn't unforseeable, but the way that they spun the characters and their secret lives around it was a good watch.
Color me awful, but I'm going to tire of the 'I killed your dad when we were 8 but can't bring myself to tell you because our relationship will fail though I really want to because otherwise our relationship will fail' thing long before the 'we can't ever touch' will wear me out. I like the tension in the second much more than the guilt-ridden impasse in the first.
starter catalog of secret lives that were hinging this ep -
- knitting (Emerson)
- odd banking practices with knitting (Emerson, again)
- historical erotica collection in the cheese cellar (Aunts - want more Aunts!)
- practically everything (Olive)
- food - esp. PIE! (Jeanine)
- practically everything (Ned)
- where she keeps getting her dresses and accessories if the guys are shopping for her (Chuck)
- language skills & ability to pickpocket ["with these things I call hands" bwah] (Chuck)
- hidden geek ["and then I reprogrammed the card..."] (Emerson)