How reliable a narrator do we think the YED was being when he showed Sam his babyhood?
As I said above, demons lie. My story and I'm sticking to it.
we got a shot of Ash's watch, to make identification of his corpse easier pings me that it's a mislead.
Oh, I hope so. I really, really do.
I don't see how Andy can be rescued/resurrected, but I want that to happen.
Since they didn't find Ellen's body, I'm clinging to belief that she got out and is okay. Also, Kripke? Step away from Singer. IJS. Don't even think about it.
I believe Dean will bring Sam back somehow, but I couldn't stand it if they lose Bobby.
It could also be a standard-issue Hunter(tm) watch with a built-in demon detector that the Winchester Boys don't know about....
Because Minorities Can Not Be Trusted and it's always possible they will Stab You In The Not-Metaphorical Back.
The woman betrayed too, and it was a bigger betrayal. I don't think you can pin all that onn the character.
What I did like about Jake was that he was the most sensible of the bunch, when presented with startling news.
I'd love to know what the YED said to everyone--I'm guessing it didn't talk to Andy before he bit it.
I believe Dean will bring Sam back somehow, but I couldn't stand it if they lose Bobby.
If Dean lost Bobby after all this, I wouldn't fault him at all for putting a pistol to his head. Or, you know, destroying the YED with pure rage. (Mmm... rage...)
BTW, the episode is up at the CW site and on itunes.
Did last week's ep ever come up on iTunes? Because I never got notification, if it did.
Lemme go see if I can find it and grab it, then.
Question about the roles in last night's SPN.
I don't have much to say about the lesbian who cannot touch--I suppose it's possible her plight was commentary, but I can only be so generous. More likely, I figure, tossing that same sex line in was a simple way to beef the stats, if it was thought about at all.
Now, as written, the lesbian can't be black, because then the black person dies first. Hmm. Now I'm trying to think of black lesbians on TV--apart from DA, coming up dry. Anyway, never mind. Could the Andy role have been black without there being any reaction to him being so dumb and trusting? If Jake betraying is a big deal, minority-wise, I'm assuming Ava would be worse, but it's certainly possible I'm missing subtleties (now I'm trying to think of black women in the arms of big white guys sniffling and asking protection, and just not seeing that either).
So basically, something has to be rewritten to accommodate having a black person in the episode.
I'm convinced I'm missing something, because, hey, black and not that bothered. Don't get me wrong--if Jake had either stayed a non-believer or died first, I'd have been all about "Not the brother!"
But this is hardly the first time fannish race flags have gone up and I've been left confused. So I'm asking for a walkthrough, really. Because I don't want to think that black people don't get cast, or that casting us means you have to change the script. But other than giving Jake a mental power and not a physical one (uh, never mind I'd rather have his than the others displayed), what's not raising the barrier to entry for minorities?
While I'm looking forward to next week's ep, I feel like we burned through a lot of awesome characters this week with very little emotional payoff. amyth says, and I agree, that Sera Gamble needs a good sitdown with some ME alums, or to be strapped to a comfy chair and shown all of Buffy s3. Madam, I know have posted with Tim Minear, and you are no Tim Minear. She's got talent, she just needs to not take the lazy, cheap way out.
I have a bit of a hard time buying Jake's actions... he may be a badass but he doesn't know anything about demons, so why would he trust the YED and betray a fellow solider? So much for 'leave no man behind.'
Logic holes big enough to drive the Metallicar through. Oy. I thought we might get Graduation Day or Chosen, but it's looking more like... Judgment? Who knows.
Ellen - no corpse, no dead. I hope that Ash is still alive, too, but I'm not counting on it.