Can you give me the phonetic for the Mandarin for "pouch-rat," billytea? WOMBAT appears to be already taken for a license plate.
(yes, I'm obsessing about the plate. What?)
Late to work this morning - Mallory turned on the TV and there was Oz, on the phone, asking if his niece (cousin?) was a werewolf. I miss my show.
We're back! Whew. I was starting to get the DTs.
I stayed home to day specifically to clean and (try to) organize my house. How sad. But the dining area is free of detritus, a pile of stuff to go to the storage bin has been piled, and the storage closet rearranged so it will hold my winter coats and boots, as it's supposed to do.
I was just starting to get organized again at
Much better here.
Hello all!
In mememe news, I have new hair.
That is so much fun, Todd! I adore your natural color, but that looks great on you.
So, yesterday? S took something out of the freezer for us to have at dinner. Originally, she thought it was black bean chili. Anyway, the tupperware container thawed out overnight, and about 8:30 last night, S had me pour the contents into a microwave safe bowl and heat it up.
When I was pouring the container's contents into the bowl, I noticed it wasn't very chunky, which I pointed out to S. She looked at it, and pronounced it "black bean soup" instead. After all, we'd had both in the freezer at one point, and she was trying to use up stuff we had frozen.
So, I threw "black bean soup," into the bowl, added quite a bit of cayenne pepper and paprika to give a real nice kick, and tossed it in the microwave. A few minutes later, I pulled it out, put some in a bowl for me, and some in a bowl for S, grated cheese over both, and salted mine. Then I took a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig bite.
The mystery substance from the freezer?
Thanks, Laura. I'm having fun with it ... think I'll keep it for the summer, then decide what to do for the fall and winter.
What Laura said, Todd!
sends Sean masking tape and sharpies
You look gorgeous, Todd! I love that color on you.
Sean, um. Ha!