Laundry is done. I *LOVE* American washing machines. I cannot get used to how fast they do laundry. It's like 20 minutes or something, when I'm mentally prepped for an hour and a half.
Another thing I love about America? Elevator doors that open automatically, so you don't have to try to hold the door open while getting a stroller in.
I did one load of laundry today and leaving the rest to my DH when he gets back from his Frisbee tournament because he'll have smelly clothes that should go immediately into the machine.
I have to go out to dinner tonight with a librarian who is retiring -- she only works one day a month, and I've never met her, but she's done that one day a month for 15 years. I roped the person I replaced into coming out with us, but I feel like I should write notes on the back of my hand with ideas for conversation in case there are awkward silences.
I've still got to fold the laundry I washed yesterday.
However, today I went out to Clarendon where I went to Williams Sonoma (pastry bag, grapefruit knife), The Container Store (hamper, old lady cart, toilet brush, a laptop bag for my mom, and a few random odds and ends), and the Apple store (drooling over stuff I can't afford, mostly, and pondering buying a nano.) Then I got some weird looks when I assembled the old lady cart at the front of The Container Store and put all the other stuff I bought into it to cart it home. (I thought it was a pretty good idea. That cart was impossible to carry when unassembled, and it took about two minutes to assemble it.)
We did the garden tour. a lot of mellow fun. The garden owners we a kick. some very sweet people , and there were some that were almost beating their chest's with pride. It was rather cute. Everybody has a water feature now. Most importantly my sister and I got lots of compliments on our hats.
I should throw a load of laundry in...
Sounds smart to me ,Hil.
and I have last week's laundry to put away - and yesterday's to fold....
I am trying to convince my self that it is a good thing to deal with laundry.
8 loads of laundry still lie piled on my bed. I will have to put it away tonight, unless I care to sleep on my couch.
I believe I'm calling out sick tomorrow.
Dinner: turkey and mashed potatoes. Yum. Thank goodness for Boston Market on the corner. Otherwise I'd be living on cheese and crackers.
Everybody has a water feature now.
I laugh at myself for actually using the term "water feature," even in my head. But I do.
I need to either roast a chicken or beef tonight in preparation for Mallory's lunches all week. It's just so hard to cook when I don't have anyone to serve the food to.
I'm (half) watching a thing on the History channel about the history of punishment, and they just said that somebody (the Romans, I think) used to execute condemned criminals by throwing them in a river tied in a sack. With an ape, a dog, and a snake in the sack, too, so that the animals' panciked attempts to escape imminent drowning also sped the condemned to their doom.
I'm (half) watching a thing on the History channel about the history of punishment, and they just said that somebody (the Romans, I think) used to execute condemned criminals by throwing them in a river tied in a sack. With an ape, a dog, and a snake in the sack, too, so that the animals' panciked attempts to escape imminent drowning also sped the condemned to their doom.
Yeah, I'd read something about being tied in a sack with a tiger and thrown into the Tiber. The Romans were ruthless--but effecient.