Cashmere, I had that problem at first, it soon went away. Now I think I'm actually sleeping better. You can try taking your medicine at a different time of day.
I'm so glad you had a wallet miracle. I was reading your story with a lump in my throat, giving the universe the raised eyebrow.
That Matilda smile picture is lethal. Lethal. Lethal.
Emily, apply for the jobs. You don't have to take them.
One of the things I like about the new car is that it has a proximity key - a credit-card thing that stays in my wallet.
Thus, if I am able to get in and drive my car, it means I have my wallet with me.
I'm sure that wasn't the designer's intent, but let me tell you, it's a big selling point to me. I hate that panicked sweat feeling.
I used to have a key-chain wallet type thing that just held my license, debit card, a credit card for emergencies and my library card. So I always tended to have that with me. When it broke (I bought the thing in college), I went to a tradtional wallet.
May rethink that decision and find one here at a university bookstore.
I'm still waiting for those computer chip implants the religious right keeps telling us are coming. Not terribly thrilled about the bar codes on our foreheads, but I guess you take the bad with the good.
Update for Plei: Matilda is now around 14 lbs 4 oz and 25 inches, steadily chugging along at her usual just below the 5th percentile for age.
Also, someone please, please tell me not to flip out like a mammal about how her head circumference is around the 50th percentile.
Also also, tipsy meara: Teh Cute. Possibly even Teh Adorable.
JZ, true story.
Every time we took Ben for a well baby visit during his first year, the Physician's assistant would measure his head, then leave the room, come back in with someone else, and re-measure it. I never asked the percentile because I was afraid what I'd hear.
Julia's head was probably just as big, but it never seemed it at the time. I don't remember them double checking her.
Chris's head is IMPRESSIVE. Somewhere during that first year of life, I finally worked up the nerve to ask the doctor why they'd always seemed concerned about Ben's big head, but that no one ever measured twice with Chris, and his head seemed even bigger to me. All five of us were in the room at the time. He stopped, smiled, looked at us and said, "Well, y'all kind of have big heads."
I said, "Big heads mean big brains," silently noting Dr. Pinhead's noggin.
He said, "Actually, that's true."
Please don't worry about it. Matilda's all Matilda, all over, and perfectly Matilda, at that.
The Melons
P.S. We took them all for their check-ups this week. Julia and Ben are at the 95th percentile for height and 90th for weight. Chris is at the 75th percentile for weight and the doctor said he's 'between the 50th and 75th percentiles' for height.
Cookie cutters are not involved in the making of people. Love is.
The Melons
I love you so very dearly, Cindy, you and your entire beautiful melonhead clan! Breathing again now.
And we love you right back. Also, I was thinking about Matilda. Head size is probably not at all affected by either her prematurity or how much she's eating. It's pretty hard-coded, you know?
Honestly, JZ, I think Ben's head size was completely off the charts for his age. I told you I didn't ask before, but now that I'm thinking about it (it was a long time ago), I think they couldn't tell what percentile he was in, because he was so far off the charts.
His head is perfect for him, doesn't look outsized in any way, and he's all healthy. If there's ever a reason to worry about stuff like that, your doctor will let you know, right away.
I'm in Nashville for my cousin's son's wedding. Please to send bitch~ma that I don't scream at the whole racists, right-wing radio quoting bunch.
May the music be too loud to hear the ugliness. I hope it turns out better than you expect, Ginger.