How tall is Ms Matilda? Says she who ought to Get Cracking and Mail the Box Already.
Most of her growing has been filling out rather than up. So she's still fairly wee. I don't have an actual measurement, but her sitting up in the grocery cart is still a little surprising to onlookers because she appears to be about half her actual age.
Thanks, Cindy, its good to be back.
Gloom, its hard not to know. What you DO know is that, well, when she was in prison you visited her...
(which, whether an individual is into Jesus or not, is a fine thing for a human being to do. And it was good for her spirit -- not merely to be unforgotten, but for her life to be touched by you)
apropos of nothing whatsoever, scary slug sex.
I just got up. Ugh. Two days in a row of sleeping past noon. And today I missed a doctor's appointment. Must call and grovel, since I think my insurance won't pay for this if I don't show up, and I'm pretty sure they charge if you don't show up.
I'm a little mad at me right now.
Appropos of another nothing:
Two chatbots talk to each other
Timelies, All!
Slightly belated Happies for Fabulous-Vortex Birthday and Loverley Janeiversary!!
Slightly belated Hugs and Hairpats to the Lovely Suzi whose cow-orkers (except L) should fear the 'Ffista Wrath.
GC, sounds like you're doing excellent work! And yay for the girl who got to leave!
There are pics of Grace and Noah? Why have I not seen? Are Kat & Lori only sharing the love with Natterers or something? Anybody got good linkage?
Anybody I missed? Extra hugs and ~ma, just in case!
edited 'cuz I know the difference between an apostrophe and a quotation mark. Really.
vw, double check that it's okay for you to be taking Ativan with the Flexeril. I know my mum's doctor told her specifically not to take both (but she has different things going on and is a lot older than you, so maybe that was just for her specific case). I'm just thinking maybe you're a little too knocked out?
vw, double check that it's okay for you to be taking Ativan with the Flexeril. I know my mum's doctor told her specifically not to take both (but she has different things going on and is a lot older than you, so maybe that was just for her specific case). I'm just thinking maybe you're a little too knocked out?
I didn't take Flexeril at all yesterday, because of that. I'm not supposed to take them together. I'm supposed to take the Flexeril several hours before the nighttime Ativan. I just forget sometimes. Pain will do that to you.
Cindy (others welcome to chime in), can you explain to a non-church-goer like myself what "congregational" means or implies? The church near my work is advertising "We're Congregational!" on its sign, so I guess it's something people would look for in a church?
Congregational is the oldest denomination in the US. They're very tolerant and accepting.
Wikipedia actually does a pretty good job describing... [link]