Owen just tried one of the Tylenol Children's Meltaway tablets on his own accord. He gagged and spit it out. It apparently tastes like grape-flavored ass.
Good thing is fever is lower this afternoon. I'm less concerned with getting the medicine in him, since he's acting normally.
Aimee, sorry about the Toledo Asshat. Give 'em what for, Empress.
I wish I had a girlfriend who made me chocolate chip cookies.
Ah, lolcats. this is why I do not permit myself to go the the websites, because I will melt down in hysterical laughter and be not-so-productive for the rest of the day. However, I can look at the ones that Tom emails me. That is permissible in Nora-land.
Psst. brenda. Send your lolcats to me and I'll send them to Nora...
heh. Serves me right for not clarifying which Tom!
Awww, my parents sent me flowers for my birthday [link]
Happy birthday, Vortex!
And Happy Janeversary, Janes!
Happy Birthday, Vortex!
Happy Anniversary to the Janes!
Pretty Vortex!
I have to admit, shallow though it may be, my favorite thing about getting flowers at work is all the ooohing and aaahhing, asking to read the card, and occasional jealous glances.
That and the pretty. But mostly the other thing.
well, I'm pretty much a one person office, so no oohing and ahing. plus the driver was kind of salty because he couldn't find the building. I thought "dude I talked to you shop and gave them directions. its' not my fault that they didn't give them to you."
My water is running a yellowish/brown color. This sometimes happens when they're doing roadwork around here, but it usually doesn't last this long. I had to cancel plans because I can't shower. I hope that it gets better before I have to be at the real estate agent tonight. Good thing there is filtered water in the fridge for tea.
Happy anniversary, DJ! (Did I say that already? Somewhat dizzy)
The closest I've come to flowers at work was getting a bunch of roses from Allyson at krav. And they all knew it was coming before I did, so it lacked the startled oohing. Plus, krav people. What can you expect?