ita, you asked. you shall receive:
Aimee, I tried calling earlier and left a message.
I'm afraid things may have gotten complicated. While UPack might be entitled to $1271 from me, Abf isn't. If Abf has gotten wind that they were handling a 1200+dollar shipment but were only getting a cut from UPack for a 700+dollar shipment, they might demand additional payment. I fear that might be why you were told $800.
UPack has received two payments from me -- the first was for app700, and the second was for app500. The reason I asked them to do this was because I put the second payment on a credit-card with a 3month sign-up grace period. I was concerned about how long it would take for the library to provide reimbursement, so following an explanation, some negotiation, and a lot of pleading, I was able to convince UPack to bifucurate the shipment.
But, by bifucurating, I've exposed myself to considerable personal risk because if the library does not remit reimbusement to me by the middle of June, then I'll have a massive amount owed out which will begin acrueing credit card interest. It really shouldn't have come to this. Originally, Principal Ent. and yourselves were supposed to have remitted payment to me simaeltaneously so that only one shipment would have been paid for all upfront to UPack. But... back in Los Angeles... Aimee, you really need to know that when you jumped the gun and had everybody prepare for the "big move" one day earlier... it... shook things up.
Principal Ent.'s manager was not around at the time meaning the company couldn't remit payment. Originally, it was supposed to be Principal Ent. that would undergo the reimbursement, not myself -- certainly not personally. After all, they were the ones undertaking the actual donation. But, when we all got painted into the corner, the only way I was able to make things go forward was by getting a new creditcard and pleading with UPack to bifucurate the shipment.
Please excuse my nervousness, but since I learned that I might now personally owe an additional $80+ -- to Abf, NOT UPack, I've been in something of a panic.
While I do admire your "take charge" approach to getting things done, as well as your strong sense of "personal initiative," you need to be careful not to go so far as to seize control of a situation when others are trying to make things work. When you did this in Los Angeles, it ended up meaning that I had to payout the add'l monies, prepare to get myself reimbursed, and get a new credit card. Now, in Toledo, if you mentioned two payments to Abf, I might be liable for more money -- needless to say, I was even more alarmed when you demanded of me an add'l $200 (until I understood what was going on...).
Listen, I'm sorry for the long email, but...
I guess I've gotten depressed since I was hoping for a grand finish and wasn't counting on a last-moment speed-bump.
I'll try to talk to Abf and figure out what's with the add'l $80 -- I'll let you know if I need to request a payment split with me on that.
But, for now, please email me back with a suitable time to phone you.