It seems my momentum of last week as far as interviews go, has run out. Nothing on the ole schedule until Friday and that's a job I'm unsure of. I have one a week from today for something I think I really want, but the waiting is killing me. Plus, NEED MONEY.
I have had coffee, breakfast, taken a chilly walk home and I am still asleep.
Hec! OMG, in the shower before I remembered last night's dream, which I'm sure you'd classify as a nightmare.
I wanted my hair cut short. Really short. I wanted the back trimmed way up, and everything short all over ... and THE SNOTTY STYLIST WOULDN'T DO IT FOR ME. I argued and I think I pouted and I even threatened.
I'm getting a haircut tonight!
Am I the only one who read this as "turning into a bear" and thought, "You made a bear! Undo it! Undo it!"?
Nope, not the only one.
Happy Anniversary, Hec & JZ!!!
*snif* I'm still sorry I missed it.
And Happy Anniversary, you two!
I'm getting a haircut tonight!
Just got mine cut on Saturday! (Um, just to shoulder-length. But still! Way shorter than it was!)
Job-ma Aimee.
I have had coffee, breakfast, taken a chilly walk home and I am still asleep.
Wish I was still asleep. Well, maybe not if there's stuff that has to get done...
Nope, not the only one.
Aww, Suzi's got my back.
:: Smooches Suzi ::
I was so excited I finally got caught up in Bitches last night (yep, read the whole thread before I let myself come in - I wanted to know what was up with people! Answer = So much!) and could start posting again, I dreamed about posting. Don't remember what about. But Dream!Hil responded to my question/concern/whatever - so, um, Thanks Hil!
*snif* I'm still sorry I missed it.
I can't believe it. Sometimes I look through the pictures from that day searching for you, because obviously of course you were there, you had to have been.
Same with you. You get the other partial made-it-happen-at-all credit, how could you possibly not have been there? It's unpossible!
Oy my goodness, it's the Zmayhemversary?!? Rock!
That was supposed to be "Oh" but I'll let it stand.
The hivemind = the zeitgeist: Lifehacker notes that Bodyglide is the thing to use to prevent blisters: [link]
Threadsucked, caught up, and chiming in on the BodyGlide recs. I used it more in MSP because 1) running marathons and 2) humidity making skin sticky, but it is a truly beautiful thing. I love the wicking fabrics, especially for sports bras. I also love that Champion makes an underwired sports bra that has a traditional back versus the racerbacks. I hate racerbacks - I hate that pressure between my shoulderblades. And now, with the tattoo? Really hate racerbacks.
Hmmm. Need new sportsbra, new socks, new shoes... Looks like I'll be shopping this weekend!