Erratic MiniMeara:
Thing 1: Daniel! Don't touch the hot things! Don't do it!
Thing 2: OMG, Matilda killed me. Seriously. I don't know when I've seen a funnier baby picture than Baby Rage. Bless. Bless bless bless. She's getting to be such a big girl now!
Thing 3: Cheesecake filling seems somehow Of The Wrong. But I dare say I'd change my mind about that if I had a brownie in front of me, a tin od cheesecake filling and maybe some nice sour cherries with a slosh of kirsch...
Thing 3: BabyBat!Jilli is cute as a button (and does indeed look like Goth!Jo), but she is not the One True Jilli.
Thing 4: PC, I'm sorry about the parental pressure wrt the marriage thing, but I think people already said the things I thought. She could be cool, and they can't MAKE you marry her - this way they can't slag you off for using the internet! Because you're doing what they asked, by chatting with an invisible internet person!
Thing 5: Hil's recipes always make me hungry. Always. And I just ate.
Thing 6: Yesterday I got my first ever tattoo. I spent 6 hours solid getting inked, with a 5 minute break in the middle. It's my own design, traced and then coloured in very painstakingly in almost exactly the way I wanted (I think I may later get the centre, the 'pupil' bit retouched to include more black and an almost pinky purple, but I like the work she did on the turquoise of the 'iris' bit). Here is a picture taken right after she'd finished.
Afterwards, I went home, got changed, and then went out to meet friends to go and see the hilariously fabulous Calypso Cabaret. Rarely do I feel I am wearing an insufficient amount of glitter, but last night was one such occasion.