Pigtails cute! Damaged truck bad!
That's all I've got. We just got back from picking up DH from his 100 mile bike ride. Five hours in the car down & back with the kids. We're all cranky from being in the car that long. I've ordered pizza for dinner and DH has gone up to shower and nap. I wish I could have a nap. I got up with the kids twice last night (spent part of the night in Owen's bed, part of it on Olivia's floor and I've had them to myself since 7 a.m.)
Laura, the pigtails are cute! Definitely OThairstyle. Poor truck! I'm glad the insurance came through so quickly, what a relief.
the is the cello player we saw at last nights house concert
video is odd , but gideon can play
and his new band ,'just your average uke, mandolin, cello and bass band'
Pigtails cute!
Boo to accidents, and to no grocery fairies.
And... I flop. I got a new name badge today... on a lanyard... I'll try to contain my excitement.
posted more about it in Natter, but: my sister bought a house for us to have as a "vacation home" in Charlottesville. Photos are here. We call it our Chalet. I'm so excited!
So. I am an idiot. I was trying to reach a package of plastic plates on the top shelf of my kitchen closet. Couldn't reach them. Tried to grab them with a set of tongs, which usually works for stuff I can't reach. I go the plastic plates I wanted, but a package of paper plates I hadn't seen fell out and hit me, edge first, in the eye. It hurt. Like, blinking and seeing stars out of that eye hurt. Just looked in the mirror, and the eyelid is pretty obviously bruised and swelling up.
I need a better "How'd you get that shiner?" story by Monday.
The attack of the kitchen equipment isn't bad... you just need to an another element like a stray cat leaping through a window...
I don't think it is possible to make a bad potato soup. Now if DH would only come in for dinner
That is exciting news Zenkitty! It looks lovely. When do you take possession?
Poor Hil. Perhaps you can wear a button that says, "You should see the other guy." Or you can claim you fell while trying to rescue a kitty from a tree. Anyway, some hints on taking care of it [link]
hee, xpost blame it on the cat