I'm having Vortex's experience with the rental realtor. I heard through the FS grapevine that a couple FS officers were renting out their house; contacted them via work email. They sent me lots of info and the name of their property manager.
The place has sat empty for months, and he doesn't return my calls or emails, except for the first contact where he asked if I'd like to see the place. I said yes, and haven't heard since. The phone number on his card and email sig is actually a fax.
The FS officers are now between posts and out of communication; boy did they make a bad choice in property managers.
OK, off to return the rental car. Whee, more driving.
Raq, how absolutely frustrating.
'Afternoon everybody else.
I managed to stay dry.
Now to do more work...
Hey folks. Can I make one more statement about work without y'all Marcy'ing me?????
Did someone say something?
Don't listen to the evil ghost cow!
pulls up chair, pours a drink
Suzi, I don't Marcy people, so you're stuck with me.
Hey! (P-C)
A lot of the drama at work has centered around me training someone to help me and provide backup so I can take time off. An equity raise has been dangled as a carrot for me (I have no problem training, the folks I work with have made it an issue - hence the drama).
Well, a 5% raise just got approved to start in mid-June. I'm kinda giddy.
Yay! Raise!
I am back from meeting hell, and off work in about 20 minutes! My future's so bright, I kinda hafta squint a little.
Oh, Suzi, that's the kind of work news I want to hear!