P-C, we've spent going on $3000 in repairs on our car in the last 6-9 months. And that's *without* taking care of minor, trivial matters like the snapped-off radio antenna (which would've cost another $150) and the vent system that intermittently stops working ($250-300), or slightly less minor matters like the front spoiler that's been dangling ever since we scraped over a stupid-ass speed bump at my dad's house ($900).
I refuse to let myself add up the amount we've spent on gas, oil changes, registration renewal, insurance, parking permits, parking tickets, and our FasTrak pass in that time, because it would probably make me (a) throw up, and (b) shove the car off a cliff, and Hec would never forgive me for that. I'm just about convinced, though, that if we added absolutely everything up, it would be no more expensive at all to just take cabs everywhere.
And yes, the diagnostic fee hurts. And they will always, always find something new wrong with the car that you didn't even notice when you brought it in. This is why I say again that cars are tools of the Devil.
a gas leek, and oil leek
OK, I have to laugh at myself. I am now picturing leeks coming out of my car!
I agree with JZ. Cars are tools of the devil!
And I forgot -- so much job~ma to you, Sophia! What a scary possibility for all of you to have hanging over your heads.
I'm just about convinced, though, that if we added absolutely everything up, it would be no more expensive at all to just take cabs everywhere.
It's crazy, man! I never thought that something like those CityCarShare programs would actually be cheaper than owning a car, but I'm having second thoughts. This is the price of convenience, I guess.
And they will always, always find something new wrong with the car that you didn't even notice when you brought it in.
Apparently my oil is a little low, but everything else looks fine. But my oil isn't DANGEROUSLY low, so whatevs.
I'm firmly in the camp that if it's not life threatening and the car still drives, it's good to go. Having said that, I let something go and ended up paying $500 to have my power steering pump replaced. It's better to take it in and pay the diagnostic fee than end up paying through the nose for something that could have been prevented.
j. jill has responded. Only, they think I ordered the jeans online and are telling me to send them back with the special shipping label. Heh. I guess I'll just have to stop at the local store and see what they say. The e-mail didn't exactly offer to replace them, they gave me a number to call for that. I'ma get me new jeans, nagdabit.
Cars do indeed suck. I have a list of stuff that needs to be done, and yet I keep putting it off. I will regret this.
I can't resist posting this -
Anne's hair is so very shiny and lovely. We need more pictures!
Ugh. Just got off the phone with K. Viewing on Friday. Funeral is on Saturday. I don't know
to do.
Try to get in touch with everybody to call it off. Have it, but Mr. Jane hosts without me. Have it and hope I make it in before it's too late in the afternoon. Go to the viewing, but drive back late Fri. night.
K is pretty much going through the same thing. Of course, her party involves people flying in from Seattle and Baby Daddy marching in the parade.
There's just not a solution that's making me feel incredibly good right now.
in regard to the picture of Anne W., while we were in SF she said something about if you wear a twinset and pearls, you can be as evil as you want and no one will suspect you.
Oh no, DJ. So I take it going to the funeral entails breaking a prior plan? When my mother died, her funeral wound up on the same day--same time of day even--as my goddaughter's christening. We had no choice but to miss the christening.
DJ, I meant to post - all my sympathies.