Hmm, turns out, breakfast is cheesecake filling with chocolate sauce on it.
I went to a professional conference yesterday, picked up all kinds of nifty pens and stuff. By stuff I mean foam boomarangs, glittery pompoms, a manicure set, and a plastic triangle that turns out to have different colored highlighters at each corner. I attended a couple of classes that were fun to go to but not particularly revolutionary in content. Well, unless you count the spoon-bending thing. There was a class on using intuition - which I was hoping to hone my skillz in because it really ramps up one's ability to make a difference in the lives of people who often have poor verbal skills. The presenter did a demonstration of spoon bending. I was sooooooooo disappointed. She used her hands. Both hands. I thought all the fuss was about using mental powers to bend them. That would have been extremely cool. But NO! Spoon bending is all brute force, crap I've done on accident any number of times. But on the upside, I did run into an old friend from college whom I haven't seen or heard from in 15 years or so. He's got three kids, and I'm assuming he's still married to his high school sweetheart.
Hmm, turns out, breakfast is cheesecake filling with chocolate sauce on it.
How is the cheesecake filling? I saw it at the market the other day, and I'm curious.
How is the cheesecake filling? I saw it at the market the other day, and I'm curious.
I like it. It doesn't have the same texture as a properly baked one, but it is as good as the better no-bake cheesecakes. It doesn't have that funny box-mix aftertaste that some of them do. I've used it with graham cracker crust, and it was good. It's also good with no crust for anyone who wants to trim out the extra sugars and starches of the crust. Tastes good with sliced strawberries (and I'm sure it would work with any fruit one likes with cheesecake), and really works with some Hershey's syrup.
Raq! It's good to see you here!
Laura's mention of Otter Lake just sent me off on a search for a lake somewhere around here where we could spend a few days with our tent. I might have to get my DH to investigate some of our hiking books for suggestions. But going and jumping in a lake sounds awfully good right now.
Also, I want these sandals, if anyone has $235 to spend on me. They'd be so cute on my feets! Sparkle toes!
There's cheesecake filling? I'm not sure how I feel about that.
There's cheesecake filling? I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I KNOW! I think we need more information, please. For SCIENTIFIC exploration.
There's cheesecake filling? I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I saw that at the grocery last night, and had conflicting feelings of "YUM!" and "EW!"
Or just go ahead and stuff some of that cheesecake filling directly into the intertubes.
Will provide own strawberries.
I've been trying to keep up with posting pix so the DH can stay abreast of my travails. We skype about once every other day for a couple hours, but much of that is taken up by Mal bouncing on my lap yelling "DaDEE! DaDEE!" and then showing Daddy all his cars and playing peekaboo and stuff.
Speaking of peekaboo, proud Mom moment: Mal dancing and singing along with Siouxsie on "Peekaboo"
Andi has schwag!
Laura's mention of Otter Lake just sent me off on a search for a lake somewhere around here where we could spend a few days with our tent.
I am by no means someone who camps
wrinkles nose in distaste
but I have friends who do. Want I should ask?
Raq, when does Robert catch back up with you guys?
Speaking of cheesecake, they have this thing here called a quesito. It's a pastry filled with creamcheese and it has a sort of sweet, crunchy outside. It's probably a million calories, but very delicious.