You have cow tipping, sure, but have you ever played cow chip bingo?
Yup--only it's called "Bossy Bingo" where I hale from.
Good thing you're so cute and your mom loves you so much.
Only thing saving his ass right now. I've got two more mattress pads ordered and we're going to buy another potty chair (I hope he'll pick one out). I also have ordered T Brazelton's potty training book along with a slew of potty books for Owen from Amazon. Push comes to shove and he wants to run around naked in the house, I'm going to let him. He really hates diapers (who can blame him, really?)
We're going to Stride Rite for Tippy Toes. She basically prances around solely on her toes. She literally looks en point all the time and the ped is worried about it. I have trouble getting shoes on her so we're going to the pros for a fitting and to find something easy to get on her and that will flatten her feet out. I like these.
My home-town fair used to have this every year.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Steele County Fair had something like that. I wouldn't know, though. I tended to be too busy flirting with the Carnies notice anything else. (Yes, I do realize how completely stupid that was. Ah, to be young and completely stupid again.)
Cashmere, those shoes are adorable!
Sox linked me to those shoes a week or two ago, Cash, and we wished they came in our size.
I had a terrible scare this morning when I thought I was a week closer to a deadline than I actually was. Does that mean I have started working to meet that deadline? Of course not.
There is no such thing as cow tipping. Cows do not sleep standing up.
She basically prances around solely on her toes. She literally looks en point all the time and the ped is worried about it.
I had a friend who was like that when we were kids, always walked barefoot on her tiptoes. I saw her 20 years later and she was fine.
I don't mean to be snippy about the cow tipping thing, but it amazes me that that rural myth is still around. So I've been on a one-man crusade to refute it.
It wouldn't bug me to be proven wrong, but after all these years no one has ever offered me evidence that cow tipping happens, beyond the "my cousin used to do it" type stories....
I never tipped a cow. But I could see rural residents being bored enough to try it.
I have never personally tipped a cow, but I can say with authority that cows can sleep either standing up or lying down, much like horses (it's a survival instinct of many prey animals that allows them to start running from a dead sleep if a predator shows up). Horses almost always sleep standing up; I'm not sure if cows have a preference.
As to whether or not cow tipping is an urban myth, I'm not sure. I certainly have heard enough stories from people claiming to have done so, but I don't have any firsthand evidence.
Edited because I really can conjugate the verb "to do," even early in the morning.
Eee gads, I'm hot. I hate how I have absolutely no tolerance for heat. It's gonna cool down after tomorrow, so it's totally stupid for me to try to put an air conditioner in by myself. But, oh, how hot and miserable I am. And none of the places in the square that have WiFi also have air conditioning, so I'll be just as miserable at any of those places.