Right thing happening on the job fronts ~ma for JZ and KristinT.
Go, Laura, Go!
Everybody, stop having problems! I'm running out of new ways to say "hang in there, baby; we love you!"
But it's so perfect! In fact, I may want "Hang in there, baby; we love you!" for a tagline.
IOmememeN, I just got off the phone with my mother headdesk, headdesk, headdesk, and I think my plea to Daniel to bring home booze will fall on deaf ears, as I was hitting send as his "I'ma comin' home" signal was sounding.
ETA: I don't really wanna change Daniel, just his house. We're still working on de-bachelor-ifying it. But hey, I made flowery curtains for the bathroom this weekend to replace the towel he had hanging in the window, so definite progress.
Does he send that message from the front porch? If not, call 'im again.
Oh, shit.
How scary is the image of me as the civilizing influence...
I, uh, don't think so.
I'm gonna die dried-up and alone, rigored around my remote, huh?
(gently delivers down payment on F2F huggage to JZ)
Nope, it sure don't feel good to hear that Sorry, But No when you are perfectly sure that you are plenty competent enough for whatever their silly little job requires. I'm sorry. Good luck with the continued firing off of your personal information into the void of employment applications, and don't give up. It will just take one good opportunity for you to make a world of better for yourself.
(tries to take that good advice for my own self)
I get to go in for some skills testing Friday, and that will make me miss half the felting class I've signed up for. Sigh.
I get you, JZ. You have to do what you have to do. And more security for the future may very well not be worth it when it means such a stressful situation now. I hope something comes along soon where they recognize your real worth. This place ain't it.
Well, ya see, it's like this, he sorta accesses his puter, and plays me a sound-byte to let me know he is on his way. We rarely use our cell phones. I had been emailing him in regards to some band candy summer camp fund-raising candy bars being sold at his workplace. Ah well, there will be chocolate if no booze.
Man, I would LOVE to be able to buy this for our backyard.
Oh Cashmere, I want you to have that.
I think we need you to have a pirate ship in the yard. Aaarrrr.