flounces to fainting couch, flops in a vaguely sulky manner
I am kinda-sorta cranky right now (work issues), and at the moment eBay is apparently out of black velvet military-style jackets for me to look at. Woe! Woe is me!
(Yes, I'm being very, VERY silly and over-dramatic. But last night while I was drifting off to sleep, I came up with a new modification to try on a black velvet military jacket. So now I waaaaants another one.)
t /petty, shallow, silly tangent
Hee! Aimée, I was *just* looking at that. If it's still available in a couple of weeks, I'll probably get it. I'm not clicking the shiny Add To Cart button because I have Other Things at the top of the frivolous spending budget right now.
But yes, that's exactly the sort of jacket I'm looking for.
Very Jilliesque
Ooooooh. That's very pretty. Waaaaaaant.
erika, our local TV reviewer guy was on the radio just this morning talking about The Riches. He's seen the first 3 episodes and says that, although he liked 1 just fine and was grooving on the premise, 2 and 3 are much much better and have gotten him genuinely excited about the whole thing.
{{{DJ}}} I'm so very sorry.
Breaking mememe news, whitefont for TMI:
I haven't had a period since December (no prego), and it finally started, and I was getting worried, and I'm still a little worried, but omg I'm not entirely broken yay!
This should not be this exciting.
Daisy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Peace and strength to you and your family.
{{Daisy}} Peace to you and your family.
IOmeN, I got a bonus today, wheee! New jeans! Wheeee! And the rest will go to pay down credit cards, booyay?