vw, have you changed detergents or anything, lately?
No. I'm really careful about that, because I have sensitive skin.
Anyhow, I'm not too worried that vw has hives from the steroids.
Thanks. Me either. But, I think I'm gonna wash my sheets today anyways. In nice hot water. Take that! whatever it is :).
Oh, and I've been putting Benadryl cream on the areas.
If you can do so without annoying your asthma, vacuum your mattress and dustmop under your bed. Do you have laundry facilities at your apartment or do you have to go to a laundromat?
meara, the surrogate mom was played by Joan of Arcadia's best friend whose name escapes me but she was the daughter of a rabbi. Real name is something like Becky Wahlstrom. (I saw the name in the credits but don't remember it exactly.)
Do you have laundry facilities at your apartment or do you have to go to a laundromat?
I have laundry downstairs. I was gonna do laundry anyways...
And vacuuming and dustmopping is a good idea.
Anne, how are you feeling?
I'm still feeling run down, and I've got a cough, but things don't feel any worse. In fact, I feel better than I did yesterday because I don't have to be up, about, and mentally active. My fever is down to a wee bit above normal. I went out for about a half-hour this morning to do some very low-effort gardening (pulling a few weeds out of rain-soaked beds, deadheading the flowers in the window boxes) and I need to run out to pick up my comic pulls, but given how zonked I felt after a half-hour's puttering, I think that'll be it for me for today.
Ok. It's official. I hate my new haircut. I don't know what she did to my hair, but it's just weird, and I can't get it to do anything that looks right. Blech. That's what I get for going to someone new.
Perhaps your hair knows you are supposed to be doing homework and it is refusing to cooperate until you have made some progress?
Let me also state for the record that Suzi is mean.
Remember that house I really really really wanted to rent? Well, the people who couldn't afford to own it, sold it to someone who wants to rent it. With a year's lease. I am cautiously optimistic, and will take all the rental ~ma you can spare. I've been whining for a couple of days that that was the only place that we have looked at that I really want to live. Maybe the universe heard me.
vw, sorry about the spider bites. I hope you can get rid of it today.