Safe travel to the Miracleborns.
I jusr had a woman tell me to my face in no uncertain terms that she wouldn't rent to us because of my disability.
This woman needs a big, fat fine. I want to smack her. I want her to know she's breaking the law.
I took a tumble off our back steps and twisted my ankle tonight. I am an ungainly beast.
Travel~ma for the Miracleborns.
Egad, sj. That's all I have to add.
This woman needs a big, fat fine. I want to smack her. I want her to know she's breaking the law.
I did calmly mention to her that she was breaking the law, at which point she gave us a look of, "I'm old and I can do what I want."
Oh, and did I mention there was a real estate agent with us at the time?
She's his client, which probably makes things more complicated, but it isn't just our word against hers.
I would ask him to do something about it, and if he refuses, you have another target. He's potentially both better positioned to report it than you and more at risk than the bigot if it goes unaddressed.
that is good. You know, I wonder if she is a good enough client for the agent to commit perjury for her? Doesn't sound like a big client. And the agent may even have professional ethics that would prevent perjury. Not guaranteeing it or anything, but it could happen.
that is good. You know, I wonder if she is a good enough client for the agent to commit perjury for her? Doesn't sound like a big client. And the agent may even have professional ethics that would prevent perjury. Not guaranteeing it or anything, but it could happen.
I figure if he is asked to testify in some way, he will. Although, I think I want him to find us an apartment first. We were all set to sign tonight. This is craziness.
I'm going to see if I can sleep now. TCG couldn't figure out why I had to post here right away from the restaurant, but the support of this community is really invaluble. Thank you.
I figure if he is asked to testify in some way, he will.
he certainly doesn't want to get caught up in anything like "they told me it was okay". But, one thing to remember, sometimes these sorts of laws don't apply to landlords who have fewer than a certain number of units. If, for example, she's an owner who is renting out her condo, she may not be considered a "landlord" under the law.
Vortex, I know that applies to a lot of DC's laws like rent control and stuff--they have to own/rent four or more units before that kicks in, but does it apply to federal laws like race/gender/disability discrimination? That would be lame ass if it did!!