Leftovers have been eaten along with too many See's candies that thessaly and Victor brought us back from the Chicago trip, many glasses of wine have been drunk, and we have two apartment appointments tomorrow. Definitely time for bed.
JZ wins at Friday.
I am packed, mostly. And ... well, I'm mostly packed.
Matilda was not gripey but went into full on swivet after tub.
But the sj onesie fit and looked cute.
JZ and babe are down for the night.
Emmett and I follow soon.
Early game tomorrow.
I need patented Bitch~ma.
I'm in DC (or, actually, VA), with all my luggage and a very sleepy 2yo, and the housing company forgot to leave the key under the mat. So Mal and I are camped out on the porch. He's got something of a bed in my big suitcase, and fortunately it's a mild night (oh, yeah, it's 1:00 am).
Also fortunately, someone here didn't lock down their network, so I'm grabbing some bandwidth to skype the corporate housing people.
So ~ma for a person to arrive with a key very soon, please.
Raq, do you need a place to stay for tonight? We've got extra beds available.
I can come and get you if necessary.
key~ma Raq, and how wonderful is Maria to offer a rescue too?
I love us. We're nice.
I was just thinking those thoughts.
Yikes! Lots of someone-with-a-key~ma, Raq.
I passed my foreign language exam today. (Well, I don't know for sure yet that I passed, but it was ridiculously easy, and a friend of mine who never actually studied French passed it, and I've had seven and a half years of French in school, so I'm assuming I passed it.) This means I'm now officially a doctoral candidate. Only thing left is my thesis.
Woo-freaking-hoo, Hil! That's wonderful. Congratulations.