Oh, I am sorry KB. I didn't know you'd lost Chloe.
I discovered that pedis in Oregon get to use the razors. I am de-hoofed. And you buy a baggie with a file, square little buffy thing and toe separators - for $1! I has my own personal baggy of personal grooming implements.
There are mountains in Utah, right?
t looks out window
Yes, they're still there, right were we left them.
If you come up I15 from LA, the biggest steep part is the Virgin River Gorge which is spectacular and about 10 miles long. Then there's a gradual up with some steepish sections till you hit either I70 or I80 to go east. Then it's the Rockies.
Does anyone here know anything about a short sale or have any experience with one?
Is that what's happenng with your place, sj? All I know is the definition - selling will bring in less money than what is owed on the property.
It is over 90 degrees here. and I decided to rearrange the furniture. why?
Is that what's happenng with your place, sj? All I know is the definition - selling will bring in less money than what is owed on the property.
Yes, but that's not why I am asking. I'm asking because the house we wanted to rent is headed toward foreclosure and the option was mentioned to us. We probably can't afford to do it right now, but I'm curious.
Ah, that's a different kettle of fish. I don't know that it has any ramifications other than really motivating the seller. You certainly wouldn't want to take over the loans or any arrangement like that, but you could probably get a good price.
Your crazy, beth. I just put my fan in the window and I am exhausted. Also, my internal body teperature has gone up 3 degrees today, I don't know if I'm sick or just hot.
Oh, Aimee, that totally sucks. I'm so sorry.
{{{Katie Bee}}}
Huh. Interesting, sj. I didn't know what that was either.
Mom just took me grocery shopping. She's a doll. Of course, it exhausted me like none else, so I think I'm gonna go crawl into bed. I was gonna try to stay up till dad was on the ground (poor guy's been trying to get home since like 9:00 this morning), but I don't think I'm gonna make it.
so I think I'm gonna go crawl into bed. I was gonna try to stay up
Til when?!?!
I am wondering if I am going to make it until the sun goes down. I am suddenly *exhausted* and I can barely think to pack. I have, at least, already set my alarm.
Well, in the light of spending an assload of money on my car, the dealership found fit that they give a rental for free.
I am currently driving a 2007 Ford Edge.
I'm trading in the minivan cause momma love.