Sadly, Plei is right when it comes to the burqa jeans.
My rash on the eye is limited to right along my eyebrow--so far it's not severe and the rest of the rash is crusting over which means it's clearing up. Let's hear it for the herpes medicine Valtrex!
Spring has sprung in our backyard. Pirates say aarrggghhhh!
I have achieved muffin verification. Repeat: muffin verification has been established.
Thanks, Whitey!
(I cannot hear the phrase 'eat a muffin' without going there.)
DH and I had to have a discussion on naked time. Owen's, not ours. DH has apparently been punishing Owen (when I'm not around) whenever he takes his clothes off. WTF? I've been letting him run around naked in the privacy of our home and (today) in our privacy fenced back yard. Everything I've read and every parent I know has said that the nudity helps facilitate potty training. So I let it happen. Owen eventually will put his clothes back on of his own accord, or I coax him to get dressed.
I knew DH had issues, but they seem to be a life-time subscription.
Seconded. Scott is asstastic (not to brag, he just is). His new(er) jeans do that empty pocket thing, and it makes me so sad. It's dumb and stupid.
On some asses, it's practically criminal.
K-Bug has finally left me alone, the brat. She was supposed to have a game, but we never had umps show up, so it turned into just a scrimmage game. She played well - hit a couple to center field over the center fielder's head. She only had one ball hit to her, but she handled it well.
She is going to miss tomorrows game because of a field trip to UC Davis.
Aimee is HOTT in her new haircut!
Owen and Olivia are so cute! I'm glad they were able to enjoy the gorgeous day today. It was so warm and sunny out.
On some asses, it's practically criminal.
It is. His ass is comparable to any asstastic man, half his age, too. It's wrong and dumb. I much prefer his thin cotton pants (like sweats, but not fleece).
My rash on the eye is limited to right along my eyebrow--so far it's not severe
This is the last time I'm going to nag you about your Shingles. I think if it goes to your forehead (so right along your eyebrows counts), they're supposed to do something else for you besides the antiviral. I think you're supposed to see a specialist. You don't want it attacking the optic nerve. I'm sorry. I should just shut up. I'm not trying to worry-monger. You're probably fine, but I want someone to look at you and say that, not just tell you over the phone.
So I anticipate one more big blowup when he tries to "come to a resolution." Because my question is: what kind of "resolution" does he expect to come to? There's nothing TO resolve -- my resignation isn't negotiable.
Steph, a mantra that may come in handy: "I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination." Because, seriously, why should you have to do a damn thing to address their issues? Let him try to come to a resolution on his own. If it doesn't include an apology, then it doesn't seem to have much to do with you. Or, you know, reality.
ION, my coworkers have agreed that Sydney boss' new nickname is "Mad Cow". His sidekick, who we have been referring to as Mini-me, shall henceforth be the BSE kid.
In actual important news, it's now just sixty hours until I leave the tarmac of Melbourne Airport for China! I suppose I should pack or something.
I think you're supposed to see a specialist. You don't want it attacking the optic nerve. I'm sorry. I should just shut up. I'm not trying to worry-monger. You're probably fine, but I want someone to look at you and say that, not just tell you over the phone.
If it gets any worse I promise to go back in. If it were lots of spots or closer to the eye, I'd be really worried. I know that if it gets in the eye, there's the possibility of blindness. I won't let that happen.
Thanks for the recipe, Teppy!
Also, Aimée's hair is hot.