Oh, sj, that's awful! I'm so sorry!
I'm in a dilemma. I'm coughing like a, well, I don't know what. A lot. I just finished my third nebulizer of the day (I'm not supposed to do more than 4 a day; it's not even 11:00 a.m.!). It's icky outside. Do I try to tough it and go to school, or do I stay home, close to the neb machine?
vw, I think you should call your doctor. If you're breathing is that bad today maybe the nebulizer might not be enough today.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. Blech. I hate bothering her.
Apparently the message that we will not be leaving everytime there is a showing is not getting through, despite us stating that to our landlady.
Well, my doctor is out until May 2, so that's not happening. I really hate to stay home. I've finally been showing up to classes on a regular basis. But, I'm also a little afraid of being over an hour away from the neb. They don't have nebulizers at the health center (which I just think is ridiculous).
vw, wait. Isn't someone covering for your doctor? It's a weekday. You're asthmatic.
Is there a doctor on call that you feel comfortable talking to? Do you have an inhaler that could help you until you can get back to your nebulizer? If not, I would say stay home. I don't think you should take a risk with asthma.
Isn't someone covering for your doctor?
Yeah, but I don't know the person that's covering, so all they're going to tell me is to come in to be seen. It hasn't been going on long enough to be seen.
I just had a brilliant idea, though. I'll call the allergy clinic. Duh!
New picture. I'm working on a YouTube upload too.
The fuckers just let themselves into my apartment without knocking.
That sucks beyond the telling. Did they have any excuse, or shame, or apology, or were they just utterly shameless fuckers?
The Christmas onesie is still a bit big, but she should be sliding into it in the next couple of months.
It is impossible to stay cranky when looking at Matilda pictures. Thanks, JZ. I love the picture of her trying to eat her toes and, of course, the Red Sox picture. Too cute for words!
The Christmas onesie is still a bit big, but she should be sliding into it in the next couple of months.
Sorry I bought so big. I'm always afraid I'll buy to small and the baby will grown out of it before they can wear it.