HOLD up...how do *I* have first morning post when it's not even that early here? What happened to the morning crew??
I appear to be having an unusually dark morning, but c'est la vie. Oh! I saw my doctor today, he of the fraud fine, and found out what happened to the medical clinic to make it close. All things considered, I probably shouldn't post the tale publicly, but it was quite a bit more interesting than just "it'd been losing money for the last year and just couldn't keep going".
In other news, I have organised that the mext meeting of my Toastmasters club, on this Monday, will have an international theme. I've been looking forward to it. And now work is sending me to Sydney for a week and I'll miss it! Well, buggeration.
HOLD up...how do *I* have first morning post when it's not even that early here? What happened to the morning crew??
Personally, the Red Line had a power outtage this a.m. and left me stranded at Ft. Totten. Hurrah for a DH without a job who came to my (and a co-worker's) rescue!
eta: Fay, that tatt sounds amazing. Someone needs to document Buffista's body art somehow.
I just really don't like my body and try to ignore it
but the rest of us
do and don't ignore it at all
sighs blissfully remembering Fay snugglage
This morning, I'm all snuffly and my ankle is sore. It started being sore yesterday -- FOR NO REASON. Could I really have twisted or otherwise injured my ankle w/o being aware at the time?
P-C, glad to hear about your grandfather - the credit limit thing, I have no idea. I once had to charge a new server for my office on my credit card ($4K! yikes!) and paid it off right away, so they bumped my credit limit up to something I'm not ever likely to hit.
I had a consultation with a new hair place - Ilo in Georgetown for DCistas - and will be getting a new cut in a couple of weeks.
I like the idea of a ... gallery? ... of Buffista body art - I've seen a number posted at various times, but it'd be interesting to see them all in one place.
And, in other news, one of us, one of us!
Could I really have twisted or otherwise injured my ankle w/o being aware at the time?
Hubby is notorious for dislocating portions of his anatomy in his sleep. Do you have loose joints?
I'm not sure if I am awake yet, but i am faking it.
and I think reclaiming your body is a great idea,Fay. and sometimes, it has to be extreme
sure, you tripped over something or stepped off of a curb or some steps awkardly, kinda hopped on it, shook it off and went on your way. Now it's had a chance to stiffen up overnight.
Okay, I will assume I did something like that.
It's just frustrating: this was the first week that I walked to and from work as I used to and then I injure myself again.
And, in other news, one of us, one of us!
Oh, Toddson. That was fantastic. I wonder if she's a slayer. Here's the link if anyone missed it above: [link]
SAN FRANCISCO - In a bizarre scene that seemed straight out of "The Streets of San Francisco," a San Anselmo teen chased thieves across Union Square Tuesday, capturing one and leading police to another.
The big difference from the old television show was that Karl Malden and Michael Douglas never wore a prom dress, tiara and combat boots.
Erin Schrode, a 16-year-old sophomore at Marin Academy, was decked out in prom gear and boots when she jumped into pursuit of three youths who swiped a friend's purse and a laptop computer at an afternoon protest rally.