but I wish you'd walked out of there feeling satisfied with the HR department's efforts on your behalf.
The thing is, I knew I wouldn't. I've had experience before* with how this company's HR department handles potential harassment situations, and I knew there wasn't going to be a lot in the way of help.
* The last time I was a full-time employee of this company, a co-worker started leaving religious tracts on my desk, and offering to pray with me. I went to HR, who basically said "Well, ask him to stop. If that doesn't work, talk to his manager."
Glad to hear your good news, P-C.
You are a very informative mom, Cindy. Way to go.
P-C, that's wonderful news.
Glad to hear your news P-C.
jilli - I hope your stalker will go away with that gentle message.
P-C, that's great news.
Jilli, I'm sorry your HR isn't more helpful.
P-C that is awesome news.
Jilli - sorry HR wasn't more helpful.
"Well, ask him to stop. If that doesn't work, talk to his manager."
Whaa? Isn't that an HR kind of thing to do? Sort of their job, infact?
Good news P-C!
Gorgeous tattoos - wow. I wish I wasn't completely teeth-grindingly petrified of needles. I am admiring the brave and beautiful.
And as for hiding under stairs Sparky - I hope you have an excellent class and get lots of stretched.
Iris' godfather brought me the first two Buffy Comics today. Hooray for surprise gifties!
ack! I just got another request for samples of my work for a different job I casually applied for online next week....change is too scary!
Jilli, sorry your HR was basically useless. I hope the guy follows your instructions without further ado.
Iris' godfather brought me the first two Buffy Comics today.
Is yours a lending library?
Good news, PC!
I didn't hold out much hope for your HR department either, Jilli, but I still think you did the right thing. I keep hoping that HR departments will get better at this kind of thing with practice.
eta: Cindy, I'm glad you told him he couldn't catch the virus by sitting next to someone. That's something he needs to hear from someone he really trusts.