He did that for three years until he heard a tow truck hauling his beat up old pickup away.
In some states, though, you need insurance and all under the same name, so I'm not sure this would work everywhere. And in NY state you need, like, four proofs of identity to register a car, one of which has to be either a birth certificate or a SS card.
Not that I totally wouldn't try it if I thought it would work, though.
How long ago was this? I suspect they check for such shenanigans now....
Mid-nineties. Yeah, I don't know if you could get away with it now.
I will not hate my job today.
I'm going swimming at 5:00, and I hope that'll stretch it out some.
Kathy, swimming usually helps my back tremendously. I guess because you've got good movement without any impact. On land, impact causes the owie, which keeps me from moving as much or in as full of a range as I should in order to stretch things out. In water, that's not a problem.
I hope so, 'cause this is getting to be a (literal) pain in the neck as well as back--I have to sit up straight so it doesn't hurt the lower back, and the upper back and neck are protesting as well.
Just four more hours, then I'm outta here and heading to the pool...
Kathy, another thing that may help is to lay down with a pillow under your knees. Obviously, not something you can do now.
I've had back problems for some time, and it's helped me. It's also a great position for watching TV.
You know what's more fun than anything? Living by yourself, owning an iSplash, and listening to an old favorite CD while you're showering--lip-syncing and dancing the whole time. It's like bliss.
Very important question! Boots or comfy Danskos?
ETA: I'll be sitting during the talk.
Danskos! It's so lovely out you may do more walking than you think you will...
Danskos! It's so lovely out you may do more walking than you think you will...
But what if her boots are made for walking?