Thongs (I mean things. But you knew that.) that never get old or lose their novelty:
The Nextel commercial of the guys dancing: [link]
The Vice President of this country SHOT a man. IN THE FACE! (That will never ever EVER stop being funny.)
A Fish Called Wanda.
Aimee, we can be dorks together, cause I wanted to reference the one with "lures and jigs"...
Come on, come to my house, LADIES! Come on, come to my house, GIRLS GIRLS!
Clearly, things that don't get old = Homestar Runner, for values of Ailleann.
The Nextel commercial of the guys dancing: [link]
That, too, never ever ever EVER stops being funny.
I'm listening to Johnny Cash and "Man in Black" and wishing country music still was full of radicals complaining about poverty and the forgotten man.
The Nextel commercial of the guys dancing: [link]
Never ever EVER gets old. Makes me laugh every time.
One of the greatest commercials ever.
I'm listening to Johnny Cash and "Man in Black" and wishing country music still was full of radicals complaining about poverty and the forgotten man.
Yeah. Too bad there are no more anti-war people in country music. Wait, I mean too bad anti-war country music people get death threats now.
(Did Cash ever catch a lot of shit for his anti-war views?)