Coffee with a double shot of espresso:
Dude. I love video games, and I'm sure GH2 is fun to play...but listening to music I don't particulary like when played by the original artists with added faux-guitar clicky noises and missed notes?!?
Thank the gods for the shiny Bose noise-canceling headphones I got for Christmas. I think they just saved our relationship.
(ETA: I'm sure I annoy the crap out of ND in many other creative ways, so it's good that he has plenty o'audio shields as well!)
I washed my hair with Snow Fairy shower and hair gel today. It smells SO EFFIN GOOD!
Woot Juliana!
GC, I have slowly acquired a great assortment of LUSH beauty products, AIFG! I haven't ever tried Snow Fairy, though. Yum.
asthma. I've been tired but not sleeping. low energy. I was in the yard for 30 minutes - and I feel better( blood moving through the body - good) however it took 20 minutes to recover. I am so not breathing as well as I could . At least I don't need an actual asthma attack to figure this out anymore...
Have you tried Candy Fluff powder? Snow Fairy smells exactly like that. GF and I like to sprinkle Candy Fluff on the sheets before bed. Smells sweet and good!
Nope, haven't tried that either. I think I may need to pick some up, though!
Have we seen this?'s "Name That Hair Band" photo quiz? Hilarious.
I got all of them right. I don't know what that says about me.
eta linky