Do I have to choose my own stocks? I don't know how to invest at all.
A Roth is a great idea for you, P-C. You really don't have to know how to invest. Just get a no-load (no-fee) index fund [link] which buys a wide range of stocks, such as the S&P 500, S&P 1000 or the whole market. Index funds have traditionally performed as well or better as managed funds, and you don't pay a fee for management. The two big names in no-load funds are Vanguard and T. Rowe Price.
Hee! Well, I don't know about you, but I try *really* hard not to see him that way.
exactly. I had to think about it when she said it, but I guess he's cute.
P-C, my friend worked with a GORGEOUS, SINGLE girl named Paayal. She brough ther over to the house once for dinner. Not sure if she was Gujarati, but she was HAWT.
I am bone tired. Why does going to the grocery store wear me out so much?
Just get a no-load (no-fee) index fund [link], which buys a wide range of stocks, such as the S&P 500, S&P 1000 or the whole market. Index funds have traditionally performed as well or better as managed funds, and you don't pay a fee for management. The two big names in no-load funds are Vanguard and T. Rowe Price.
Hot!! Thanks, Ginger. That's really really helpful. I was wondering where the hell I should actually set it up; I was going to default to eTrade since there was a button right there with my stock options.
P-C, my friend worked with a GORGEOUS, SINGLE girl named Paayal. She brough ther over to the house once for dinner. Not sure if she was Gujarati, but she was HAWT.
Ask her if she's Gujarati and give her my biodata! Hee.
I wish I had a hot gyno and some root.
I have a stupid 9am on my. Day. Off. staff meeting tomorrow later this morning. Perhaps I shall wear my tiara.
Y'know, for some reason I read that as WindSparrow having a 9mm, and I was a little curious what she was planning to do with it. Probably just as well she doesn't have a 9mm, as 9AM meetings can cause people to wish they did...
Why am I awake again. last night I didn't feel well. tonight, I just woke up. Why can't I know it is an ambien night before 3 nights pass. I am guessing the full moon woke me up.
Hec, do you have some sort of alert set up to let you know when I'm having a crap day, prompting you to find shiny things to distract me? I'm not complaining, I'm just kinda bemused.
Well, it's more like there's a little corner of my mind that's dedicated to What Jilli Likes and when I gather enough I need to share it with you.
I'm back from dropping off Emily and Tom. I declare Scola Fest: The San Francisco Leg to be a complete success. Drinks were quaffed, karaoke was sung, tasty food bits were consumed, dancing happened, drunken swaying happened, jokes and gossip happened, inappropriate touching happened, appropriate touching happened. We met Motorcycle Boy. Some karaoke girl got all up in Juliana's grill (though there were no coloraturas involved), but I think it was really UST.
It was very fun and buffistaful. Tom took pictures.
I forgot to wish Tom a happy birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday, Tom!
Scola Fest sounds like it was a lot of fun.
Boo to staff meetings on days off.
I stayed up late trying to finish some laundry and Liv decided that 5 a.m. was perfect babbling time. She's in my lap trying to type this post. We're of in search of toaster waffles.