My DH has been making challah every week since we've been here
Every week? Impressive! I would like to do it every week, but I've only managed a few times. I'll definitely let you go how making matzoh goes, if and when.
What a great call, AmyLiz!
I hope you've eaten by now, Kristin.
He lets the bread machine make the dough for him, and he's getting better at braiding. Also at having the patience to let it rise.
Kristin, EAT!
AmyLiz, that is wonderful! Which book is this?
I make mine with the mixer, so not much difference in process. When I make it, that is. Had coffee.
Okay, okay, I'll make myself a sandwich.
Oh, in terrifying news, I think I have found someone who is even more "Trouble" than I am. You should have seen the both of us in action at karaoke last night. It was amusing.
But seriously - you know how monkey-crack I get, right? This guy is worse, and funnier than I am. Also does a mean Britney Spears.
My iTunes hates me. Out of gazillions of songs, what does it choose to play me? A Kenny G Christmas song. It's on a Christmas album I have, so shut it.
iTunes is clearly torturing you because yo refuse to eat. EAT WOMAN!
So, it appears I need to find a new gynecologist. Hell, I may just find a whole new treatment team in a different hospital on the other side of town, just to be safe.
A friend met me at the hospital after my doctors' appointments today to give me some stuff. We're leaving the hospital grounds and run into a nice, good looking guy who stops to say hi to me. He and I shoot the breeze for a minute, then we say goodbye and walk away.
My friend looks at me and says, kind of hopefully, "So who was that?"
I whisper to her, "Oh, that's my gynecologist."
She replies, quite loudly, while he's stopped a few feet away waiting for the light to change, "NUH HUH! No wonder you like your gynecologist!"
I think my face is still red.
Am home and have an HR question for anyone brave enough to answer.
When someone has been out on disability and been medically released, can HR dictate the return date?