PC, that was worth a groan :).
and then came marching proudly into the dining room with it in her mouth doing that "Look! Mom! I killed it!" yowl.
Oh, my gosh! So cute!
Toto has been pretty needy lately. Poor guy has awful allergies, and he just lays on my lap and looks at me like, "Mom, what's happening? Make it stop!"
I know I told this story. Probably in LJ. She also wanted to marry Ben the other day, which struck me as particularly amusing.
I do remember that. It was pretty damn cute.
Fred, how's your kitty doing?
Short version, Kristin, he has a kidney infection and a misshaped (round) kidney. Kidney function is low but not bad for his age. He has antibiotics and an appointment in 3 weeks to see a specialist for a sonogram.
Excellent thing to hear from an editor. Go you, Amy!
I am getting ready to go pick up the Nephlet. My sister already called three times while I was in the shower because she wanted to remind me I needed to check in and go through security to pick him up at the gate. Which, ironic, is what I have been telling her the whole time. Boo's first flight alone though so I am just leaving reassuring messages. I expect she'll call in tears in about twenty minutes when he takes off.
Thanks for the yays, everyone. It's been a spectacularly crappy couple of days, so hearing that from my brand-new, never-worked-with-her-before editor was huge. Actually it would be huge anytime, but it really lifted me up today.
Awesome AmyLiz!
What stories do the ship captain's children like to hear?
Ferry tales!
Who invented fractions?
Henry the 1/8!
How did Noah see the animals in the Ark at night?
By flood lighting!
Well much kitty health~ma to him, Fred.
"Yeah," said the second atom, "I'm positive."
Puppycat II is so damn cute.
During Lent, Bubba decided to grill some venison steaks. The smell of his expert grilling wafted through the neighborhood much to the agony of his Lent observing neighbors.
Does the misshaped kidney mean anything particular, FredPete? Or is due to the infection?
Cass, he's going to have a blast with you. It's so cool for a kid to visit an adult and have time to spend one-on-one. I had an honorary aunt that way when I was a kid (she was one of my mom's best friends), and it was HUGE for me to sleep over on my own. We'd go to the movies and out to eat and it was all so fun to be away from home, but with a trusted, well-loved adult. You're going to rock this week for him.