Are we still talking about sex dreams? Mine did not involve the royal family, but I had one about my ex-girlfriend last night, I guess because I knew she was going to come over to my house today. Shut up, brain!
I need to meet a new girl.
I'm supposed to be cleaning my apartment. Sigh.
I just shoved all the clutter in paper bags and stashed them in a corner. Pretty weak, but I'm in a hurry. It doesn't have to be company clean, which is good because I don't think I could accomplish that today.
I have been trying to get an zipped attachment to download and open for half an hour. So I can check the grammar and spelling for my mom, who does not trust that part of her brain (at leats, not after she's been overusing it for a while, as she feels she has been today). Stupid stuffit expander keeps thinking it doesn't exist. I think I have a workaround, though.
So, that's keeping me from cooking, even though it doesn't need to be done until tomorrow night, because it would eat me to have that not done.
I now have 5 books on ADD and another coming in a couple of days, because I go overboard like that. I've already put them in LibraryThing and tagged them, because that has put down serious roots in my brain.
juliana is made of HAWTNESS.
I did the same thing, -t! Except only one book. On my list of things to do this week is make an appointment to get evaluated for ADD. I really think it explains a lot of my problems at work and if it can help fix those, I'll be grateful.
I fordotted! juliana is of the hottitudeness that defines all hot. I love the new haircut!
Amazon kept recommending things and they kept sounding like they could help. Maybe they will. That would be nice.
I have a feeling I'm going to get the dog and cats to the vet before I get myself to a doctor. I have new insurance and have to pick a doctor, and I'm going to go in with this laundry list of things I need to get checked for - they'll either love me or hate me.
OK. Got my attachment opened and corrected and sent back. Must make dinner.
Have you guys seen the LUSH Easter Eggs that are (sadly) only available in the UK????? I want them sooooo badly!!! [link]
I'm pretty sure I would never be allowed in all of Great Britian if it were to be known to them that in the most, well, naked, part of the dream, I was learning the words to "God Save the Queen."
Y'know, I think you took the phrase "Lie back & think of England" a step further than most. Really. Bloody overachiever.
I totally expected you to say Prince William. With Radcliffe as some uniformed underling.
juliana = hottness.
Aimee's former boss = asshatness.
me = needs a maid. Or perhaps a wife.
Y'know, I think you took the phrase "Lie back & think of England" a step further than most. Really. Bloody overachiever.
Just doing my part.
I totally expected you to say Prince William.
Believe me, I wouldn't have been quite so kerflummoxed if it had been. He was there, just in a different, non-sex part of the dream.