Hallowell says it's purely a matter of extent and duration that separates true ADHD from what he calls the American ADHD culture.in fact, he wrote another book for people who don't have ADHD technically but suffer from our cultural obsessions of multitasking, caffeinating and overwhelming ourselves.
Ha! Dad was just telling me about that one today.
Just in case - I am pretty sure that I don't have ADHD after reading all the descriptions. there are lots of things I can say - occasionally or even sometimes, but the over all feeling is that nope, that's not me. so those of you that think-- maybe- it is possible.
WebMD ADHD assessment: [link]
Might require login, I forget.
I seriously spent my first week on meds going "wait, you mean other people have been aware of the passage of time all along? AND THEY NEVER TOLD ME?"
Wildest feeling in the world to finally figure out what "normal" is (for something else, but same feeling of THIS IS WHAT IT SHOULD BE LIKE). Of course, the one med I found that did had side effects to the point I had to stop taking it after two weeks.
I am still wistful for those days though. They were lovely.
WebMD ADHD assessment
Good god, *that* was depressing. And I don't actually think I am ADHD, I think it was just picking up other things.
Note to self: Internet tests will make you crazy crazier. Even that "What sports car are you?" one.
Yeah, I am way wary of Internet tests since so many different diagnoses have overlapping symptoms.
I took the test - I don't like the way a lot of it was worded - I cam e in where I expected - basically not having it. However, the no you don't have it was under so many layers of see your doctor, here are all the negatives, and - that I almost missed that part. And second - II really think frequency and severity of symptoms is what will determine if you have ADD/ADHD. I need to look at Kristin's book. DH sometimes wonders if he has it, but I think he is more suffering from the way things work her( as in US) or in his job
According to that test, I'm severely ADHD. Except I might not be. See my doctor.
Well. That clarified things. Hell, I already know I'm not normal! Cass, what was the med that made you feel normal?
And do you have any left?
I think it was just picking up other things.
It is just not well done. I get very restless and fidgety at home- but I have learned - 1) I actually clean better that way - I don't get as bored as I do when I do routine tasks in a order fashion- it isn't efficient, but it is less painful. 2) restless and fidgety and futless often comes when waiting for other people. Like wondering if I should start dinner, or should I wait - it happens almost every monday - but can't do anything once that wait and decision are upon me.
Yeah, the quiz is not set up well. I like the little graph they give you at the end with the different types and where you (may) fall on it, but it's far too easy to shade your results by interpreting the questions differently than you're "supposed" to.