Erin, a pox on the student! Really how horrible to deal with that.
My house frustrations continue, I came home and changed the light bulbs but I dropped the light cover thing. crash! And it's in pieces so now I'm going to have to replace it. It's just the glass part and hopefully I can find something, this house is old and I've never looked for anything like this.
One the other hand, I also got a check in the mail. I'm still at the same job but the way I've gotten paid has been flipped around, so now I'm with an employment agency. When I was a temp with the company they paid money into a deferred retirement account (they don't pay into SS), so now I have a check.
It's not huge -- $2,181, there were $545 in deductions. I was told I could put this into my 401(k) (which I have with the temp agency) and not have to pay taxes. But that money would cover the cost of me being put in an ER and put under to have my wisdom teeth removed. So now I need find out what the taxes would be like if I used this money.
Happy birthday, libkitty!
Sorry you have an ungrateful wretch brat of a student to deal with, Erin.
Bummer abot the light cover, askye. Nice to have a check!
My hunger induced impulse shopping at the grocery store led me splurging on some new make up. I just finished playing with it all and my face is all different colors, but I like all of it, so, yay! Though the liquid eyeliner is going to take a lot of practice before I'm happy with the lower lid.
Oh, dear, Erin.
The shop hop has begun. And I have fun new fabric. And will probably have even more tomorrow. Yay!
I appreciate the support, kindly old man, but please STEP AWAY FROM MY NIPPLE.
OMG, that dude was special, wasn't he.
Matilda is quite the charmer. She had all the waiters at her beck and call. It was such a wonderful surprise to see both JZ and Matilda today.
In K-Bug news, junior prom tickets have been purchased, her portion of the limo has been paid, AP tests are still stress-making, and the softball game was a romp (24-0 in three innings, thanks be for the mercy rules).
Emeline now sings the theme song to "Malcolm in the Middle".
Erin, I have this theory. The place to be is in the education of orphans.
Sick Of Parents
Emeline now sings the theme song to "Malcolm in the Middle".
Oh, ha. That's so many kinds of funny, right there.
Sara watched part of Supernatural with me the other night. And now every day she wants to know when the "scary show" is going to be on, and can she watch another "scary movie."
::whistles innocently::
Someone make me go to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow to go shopping! Fabric shopping! I need my beauty rest. least my power rest.
vw, go to bed! You'll be happier for it.
And, since it's Friday night, I feel fine to whine to the masses (of which there tend to be very few, so I won't feel at all guilty.)
Deep breath. One of my techs got promoted into project management, the other one went on vacation for a week, it was the end of the month, I've worked 12 hours of overtime, I spent 2 nights car shopping for my daughter, I ripped out my favorite pair of jeans (despite having lost 10 pounds), I got reprimanded at work for bringing in my laptop, I'm thinking of giving them my notice and my eyes fucking hurt. Oh, and they're making me wear safety glasses at work, now. They suck.
Another fine entry into the "I fucking hate March and may it burn in hell forever and never, ever come back, ever" stakes.
In defense of my sanity, I took next week off. Yay.